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37 Bullet Journal Key Ideas To Make Your Journal Super Helpful

37 Bullet Journal Key Ideas To Make Your Journal Super Helpful

Bullet journals are all about making life easier, more manageable, organized, and less confusing. When you have a lot of balls in the air, and let’s face it, these days, most of us do, a bullet journal can be a lifesaver.Discover creative bullet journal key ideas to organize your life

An important part of a bullet journal is a key. What the heck do I mean by a key and why is it so important?

The bullet journaling key is whatever symbols you use that represent the different types of information you include in your journal.

Most people like to include appointments, meetings, children’s lessons or their own. Some people find it useful to include special occasions in their bullet journal, as well as motivational quotes.

There is no limit on the types of things you can include in your journal, and having a key can make it super easy and fast to zero in on the information you want and need at any given moment.

So, for example, you might want a particular symbol or code beside all of your meeting and appointment entries. When you see that symbol, you immediately know it refers to a meeting or an appointment.

You might want a different symbol or code for special occasions, and yet another for motivational quotes.

A bullet journal key is simple, time-saving, and fun, too! You can let your creativity soar and make up your own symbols for your key, or you can follow a well-established key created by Ryder Carroll: a shaded circle for tasks, an open circle for events, and a dash for notes.

If you want, use a mix of Carroll’s key and your own.

When it comes to bullet journalling remember that the important thing is that it is useful to you. So use codes that make sense to you.

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19 Bullet Journal Key Symbols

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It can be really fun coming up with your own symbols or codes. I have included a list with some ideas that might work for you, or that might get you thinking of your own.

Symbols or codes can really be anything as long as they make sense to you.

The whole idea is to save you time. When you see the symbol your brain should immediately recognize what this entry is.

In this way, you don’t have to go searching through all of your entries, reading each one until you find what you’re looking for.

By categorizing the entry through the key symbol, you simplify the process. This makes your bullet journal more functional and that’s the whole purpose!

You might decide that you want to use a heart to reflect an inspirational quote, or self-care. For example, maybe you want to read about the positive effect crystals can have on your life.

A symbol can also provide information about whether or not you have completed a task allowing you to move forward.

For example, maybe the appointment you originally entered in your bullet journal has been postponed for some reason. Inserting a forward arrow can indicate that it is now booked for a future date which you will enter.

If the appointment has been decided as unnecessary, then simply drawing a line through the appointment tells you that it has been canceled.

1. "• = Notes"

2. "⬜ = Task"

3. "⚪ = Event"

4. "△ = Appointment"

5. "⬛ = Completed task"

6. "⚫ = Attended event"

7. "🔺 = Attended appointment"

8. "⍄ = Task migrated"

9. "⊠ = Cancelled task"

10. "⊗ = Cancelled event"

11. "⨻ = Cancelled appointment"

12. "♡ = inspirational ideas and personal mantras"

Bullet Journal Key Symbols

13. "$ = expenses or budget"

14. "🕒 Deadlines or dates"

15. "❊ = Important"

16. "= Reminder"

17. "<3 Ideas"

18. ">> Migrated"

19. "X Completed"

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7 Bullet Journal Key Designs

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There are many different design options when it comes to choosing your journal key. Choose the one that most reflects you.

If you make your design based on what you think someone else would choose, then it won’t be as personal. Bullet journaling is all about your life, not your friend’s life, so be true to yourself.

Maybe you want to use a color-coded journal key with different colors meaning different categories of entries.

For example, you could choose the color green for anything to do with finances and budgeting, yellow for children-related activities, and red for self-care entries.

A pull-out key is a cool option which tucks the key away until you want to see it.

For the creative person, you can go as artsy as you like, and for the minimalist, think streamlined and clean.

20. "Minimalist Bullet Journal Key"

21. "Minimalist With Simple Design"

22. "Colour Coded Journal Key"

23. "Simple Colour Coded Journal Key"

Bullet Journal Key Designs

24. "Artsy Journal Key"

25. "Pull-Out Key"

26. "Bookmark Bujo Key"

11 Things To Add In a Bullet Journal Key

To ensure that your bullet journal key works optimally for you, be sure that you make categories that make the most sense in your life.

There are two basic things to consider. One, what sorts of things are going to be included in your journal? Many people will include things like appointments, meetings, children’s activities, special occasions, special quotes.

The second thing is to provide a way of tracking that certain things have been done or a date has been changed, etc.

So, moving forward with these two general areas, you can state more specifically what you want to include in your journal key.

In the list below you’ll find a number of things to add such as canceled item, completed item, rescheduled item, event tracking.

There are also ideas like specific notes or memories. This can be a great addition to your journal and certainly worthy of belonging in the key.

You may want to note that you intend to do some reading on ancient religious symbols.

Including this is your journal key will help you actually get it done!

27. "Event tracking"

28. "Rescheduled Item

29. "Moved or changed item?"

30. "Cancelled item?"

31. "Completed Items"

32. "Things or events that might happen in the future"

Things To Add In A Bullet Journal Key

33. "Specific notes or memories"

34. "Ideas"

35. "things to research at a later date"

36. "Quotes"

37. "Topics"

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the easiest way to come up with symbols for the key?

It really depends on the type of person you are. If you are a creative thinker, you may find it easy to come up with your own symbol or codes for your key, but there are many ideas out there, like the ones included in this article which you can use.

You may find that as you continue on your bullet journal journey you come up with some symbols that will work better for you than the ones you have been using.

Refresh your key by exchanging new symbols for existing ones. It is probably best to change them gradually so your mind isn’t having to adjust to an entirely new key at once.

Try changing up one or two symbols in your key at a time. Try them out and see if you like them.

If they are working for you, excellent! If you preferred the ones you were using before, then go back to them. No harm done.

How do I make sure I don’t forget my journal key?

Excellent question, and you’ll be glad to know there is a simple answer.

Your Journal Key is a separate sheet usually at the front of your journal. Dress it up or keep it simple and clean - your choice.

Should I Update My Bullet Journal Key Over Time?

Absolutely. As your needs evolve and you find new ways to organize your journal, your Bullet Journal Key may need adjustments. Don't hesitate to add or modify symbols to better align with your changing journaling habits.

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