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37 Fantastic Vision Board Category Ideas To Achieve Your Goals

37 Fantastic Vision Board Category Ideas To Achieve Your Goals

Do you have a dream, a vision of what you would like to achieve in your life? A vision board captures the essence of your dreams and depicts them in detail.

Vision boards can reflect a big dream or a smaller one. Their purpose is to help you flesh out the details of your dream and provide a visual you can refer to again and again as you pursue your goals.

A vision board consists of images and key words or phrases. You can make a vision board out of photos, magazine clippings, materials downloaded from the internet, and actual objects.

It’s uncertain just when vision boards started being created but we do know that Australian television producer and writer, Rhonda Byrnes wrote about it in her book called, The Secret.

The Secret is a self-help book that discusses the power of the law of attraction. Basically, the law of attraction states if you think it and believe it, you will attract your wishes and desires.

The vision board is an extension of the law of attraction. It is a strategy that may be used to help give shape and definition to your goals.

Journal Bannar

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The Law Of Attraction

The power of the mind is far greater than most of us realize. Few of us exercise its full potential.

The law of attraction taps into the power of the brain to make significant change in our lives.

It demands tremendous focus on a well-thought-out goal. Clarity of exactly what it is we want to achieve is necessary to ground us in everything we do.

When we have a clear and attainable goal, we can strategize to gear our lives in the direction of that goal.

Stating, I want to be rich, is not going to work, but it’s a good starting point. We have the overall idea.

Now, we need to ask ourselves questions to come up with answers that will allow us to put a full plan together - the steps to attaining the goal.

Questions To Ask To Clarify The Goal

Asking the right questions will lead you to create a complete picture of the goal and how you will reach it.


1. What is the goal? What are the specifics of the goal?

2. Why? This is super important. You need to know why it is important to achieve this goal. Is it worthwhile?

3. Who will be involved in achieving the goal? You must be at the center.

4. When do you want to achieve the goal? What is your timeline for each step?

5. Where? Is it work or home? In what parts of work or home?

6. How? The details of how this is going to happen.

Let’s look at an example and apply these five questions to it.


1. What?

a. To improve diet in order to enjoy better health.

b. Increase vegetable intake to three servings per day.

c. Increase fruit intake to two servings per day.

d. Cut out refined sugar, i.e. no chocolate bars, candy, pastries, pop.

f. Cut out fried food.

g. Reduce serving sizes.

2. Why?

a. To increase energy.

b. To improve cholesterol and glucose levels.

c. To improve self-esteem and confidence.

d. To live a longer life for myself and my kids.

3. Who?

a. ME

b. My partner.

c. My children.

d. My work colleagues.

f. My friends.

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4. When?

a. I will begin immediately.

b. I will review what I have eaten at the end of each day and week.

5. How?

a. I will create a vision board.

b. I will make daily meal plans.

c. I will shop according to a grocery list for my weekly meal plans.

d. I will talk to the people listed in Who.

e. I will make changes as necessary based on my daily and weekly reviews.

The Vision Board Strategy

The focus of this article is on categories for vision boards. Categories can help in two ways. They can help you come up with your goal, and they can help you refine your focus.

A vision board is a practical strategy that can do much to help you maintain your focus on the goal. It can reinforce why it is important as well as the how of your goal attainment.

In this article, you will find thirty-seven vision board category ideas listed. Use them to ignite a spark within you to set a goal to better your life.

You will notice that some of the categories are general while others are more specific in nature.

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Whether you choose a general or a specific goal category will depend on the nature of the change you want to make. Some goals are just bigger.

If you choose a more general goal, it will be necessary to break down that goal into smaller mini-goals.

If your category is too big you can get overwhelmed and this can destroy your goal attainment as well as make you feel defeated.

General Vision Board Categories

Sometimes, we need to start with a general category. You may know overall what area of your life you want to work on.

For example, one of the general categories listed below is health, wellness, and self-care.

What a great category! Time spent on improving your health, wellness, and self-care can make a huge, positive impact on your life. Go for it!

But go for it in a smart way. You will need to break down this goal into smaller parts.

You could choose to focus on one area first or make small changes in each of the areas at once.

Your goal needs to be achievable and measurable. Apply the acronym SMART to your goal:

S - Specific

M - Measurable

A - Achievable

R - Realistic

T - Timely

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Specific Vision Board Categories

You may already have a more specific area in mind for the basis of your goal. There are a number of specific categories in our list.

Vacations, education, and books are all examples of more specific categories.

If you have your specific category decided, now you can start to work through the analysis of the goal - the who, what, when, where, why, and how of your goal.

Read through the list of categories that follows and let it inspire you to determine your goal.

You’ll be all set to create a fabulous vision board to help you achieve that goal!

Sr. No Vision Board Category Ideas

1. "Home & Family"

2. "Faith & Spirituality"

3. "Relationships"

4. "Personal Development"

5. "Love & Relationships"

6. "Personal Growth"

7. "Education"

8. "Finances"

9. "Spirituality"

10. "Fitness"

11. "Big Exciting Adventure Goals"

12.  "Books"

13. "Vacations"

14. "Mind & Emotions"

15. "Adventure"

16."Travel Goals"

17.  "Health"

18. "Health, Wellness & Self-Care"

19. "Self-Care"

20. "Meditation Goals"

21. "Career"

22. "Affirmations"

23. "Best Life"

24. "Personal Finances"

25. "Physical Body"

26. "Priorities"

27. "Wedding"

28. "Money You Want To Make"

29. "Travel"

30. "Home Decorating Projects "

31. "Feelings"

32. "Business"

33. "Money You Want To Pay Off"

34. "Important Words"

35.  "Places You Want To Visit In Your Hometown"

36. "Dream Job & Career Goals"

37. "Material Possessions"

Journal Bannar
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