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30 Vision Board Checklist Ideas For Creating Your Dreams

30 Vision Board Checklist Ideas For Creating Your Dreams

Do you have a dream, a vision of what you would like to achieve in your life? A vision board captures the essence of your dreams and depicts them in detail.

Vision boards can reflect a big dream or a smaller one. Their purpose is to help you flesh out the details of your dream and provide a visual you can refer to again and again as you pursue your goals.

A vision board consists of images and key words or phrases. You can make a vision board out of photos, magazine clippings, materials downloaded from the internet, and actual objects.

It’s uncertain just when vision boards started being created but we do know that Australian television producer and writer, Rhonda Byrnes wrote about it in her book called, The Secret.

The Secret is a self-help book that discusses the power of the law of attraction. Basically, the law of attraction states if you think it and believe it, you will attract your wishes and desires.

The vision board is an extension of the law of attraction. It is a strategy that may be used to help give shape and definition to your goals.

Knowing just exactly what to put on your vision board can be challenging, especially if you are just beginning.

In this article, I look at different aspects of what to include on your vision board. I’ll help take the guess-work out of it and make it easier for you to create a meaningful and authentic vision board.

Journal Bannar

Let’s get started!

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Vision Board Supplies List

You will need to gather some supplies to create your vision board but don’t worry, they are neither expensive or extensive.

Keep in mind that your vision board should be a reflection of you and your personality and values. The supplies you choose can also reflect you.

The following list of eight items includes the basics. Remember that a vision board is made up of mostly images and words.

First and foremost, you require a board to make your display on. You have choices. You might like to use a cork board which makes it easy to tack your photos and magazine cut-outs onto.

Another common board to use is poster board also known as Bristol board. Bristol board is fairly large so you’ll have lots of space to use.

You might prefer a board consisting of two halves which opens up like a book.

In addition to your board material, you will want a pair of scissors and tape. Double-sided tape makes it easy to adhere items to your vision board.

If you are using a cork board, you will need tacks or push pins. These come in many different colors allowing you to select the color or combination of colors you want.

Glue is also good to have on hand for putting on anything that tape doesn’t work well for. Fabric, for example, adheres better with glue.

Fabric glue or a glue gun are good options.

Of course, you will need your cut-outs from magazines, photos, and the phrases or words you wish to include.

Have a marker handy as well for writing things on your board.

Vision Board Supplies List

1. Magazines Cutout

2. Glue

3. Cutting Tool

4. Display Board

5. Inspiring Quotes

6.  Marker

7. Stickers

8. Adhesive Tape

Optional Supplies For Your Vision Board

You have the basics, but you may well want to use some other items to really bring your vision board to life.

Remember that your vision board should reflect you and your personality. It should also excite you to take action and stick with the pursuit of your vision.

Your vision board won’t be much use if, once it’s created, you tuck it away in a drawer and forget about it.

To make your vision board attractive, there are many more things you can consider using.

Bring your vision to life and inspire yourself to pursue your goals daily by using things like stickers, glitter, ribbon, fabric scraps, and yarn.

Fabric scraps are perfect on a vision board about home renovations. If you’re redoing your living room, fabric swatches can be helpful.

Maybe you are wanting to update your wardrobe. Pieces of fabric can remind you of the color choices and types of fabric you want to make.

Other items like buttons and sequins make interesting contrasts.

Using tiny hangers and frames can also add visual interest and draw your attention to what is key.

When I redid my kitchen a few years ago, I created a vision board that represented the various materials and colors I wanted for the countertops and cupboards as well as the flooring.

Looking at my vision board frequently helped me when it came to going to the store and actually picking out the materials.

Have fun gathering supplies that will make your vision board, and, more importantly, your vision come to life!

Journal Bannar

Optional Supplies List For Vision Board

9. Sequins & Buttons

10. Yarn

11. Colored Sharpies

12. Colored Pencils

13. Ribbon

14. Sticky Notes

15. Fabric Scarps

16. Glitter

17. Hangers Or Frames

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How To Build Your Vision Board

The purpose of a vision board is to inspire you to reach your goals. You might create a lovely work or art, but it might not help you achieve what you want.

It is important to keep in mind that your vision board is a practical strategy.

You have all of your supplies gathered, you have your photos selected, your images from magazines and internet ready to go, so now what?

It can be easy to feel a little overwhelmed at this point. Plus, you might be a little afraid to dive in and start taping and gluing. What if you make a mistake?

Follow These Easy Steps To Create Your Vision Board:

1. Do a test-run. Place your pictures and other items on your vision board. Notice where your eye goes first. Make sure you put your goal there to always remind you what it’s all about.

2. Move things around and try a few different arrangements. Start with the essential stuff and then add in the other things.

3. Don’t overcrowd the board. If images and words are scattered everywhere then your mind will be scattered too. Go for clarity.

4. When you’re happy with your layout, add anything else you feel it needs like a word here and there.

5. Display your board where you can readily see it. If your board is work-related, keep it there on your desk. If it’s home reno-related keep it at home where you will see it often.

6. Enjoy your board and let it keep you focused on your goal.

The list below will help you to refine the purpose of your board and what you may want to include on it.

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Build your Vision Board

18. Photos of people you admire

19.  Art & lettering

20. New restaurants, coffee shops, and local places to visit

21. Motivational quotes

22.  Learning a new hobby (playing the guitar, etc.)

23. Fun home improvement projects

24. Pictures of your favorite movie scenes

25. Simple things that bring you joy (ex. a glass of wine by the fire)

26. Quotes from books or movies you love

27. Pursuing hobbies you want to have more time for

28. Pictures of places and family/friends/self photos

29. Specific places you want to travel (Italy, the Carribean, etc.)

30. Other elements you find relevant

Journal Bannar
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