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110 Lovely Self-Care Ideas To Freshen The Mind And Rejuvenate The Spirit

110 Lovely Self-Care Ideas To Freshen The Mind And Rejuvenate The Spirit

The alarm jars you out of the dream you’re having. You yawn and stretch and hear the baby crying.

It was a tough night with your toddler sick, and they won’t take him at the daycare if he’s ill, so it’ll be an extra trip to your parents’ place.

Oh shoot, that presentation for work is today. They’d better like your ideas; you put enough hours into it.

Several hours later, you’re packing up to leave the office on time, for once. You’ve got to grab something for dinner tonight and get the kids.

Your oldest child has karate this evening, so right after gobbling up some takeout you bustle the kids into the car and off you go.

You get everyone home, ready for bed, and tuck them in. You flop on the couch, exhausted, then drag yourself to bed. Another day in.

Does this scenario sound somewhat familiar? Is your life just a hectic blur?

People would often say to me, you need to take time for yourself. Self-care is important.

You know something? They’re right, but how do you carve out some time for yourself in your crazy-busy existence?

Journal Bannar

Just setting the alarm fifteen minutes earlier can give you some much-needed time for yourself. What that time looks like is up to you.

And don’t be afraid to hire a babysitter or ask your folks to watch the kids for an hour or so on the weekend so you can meet friends or take a yoga class.

The dividends will be so great it’ll be totally worth it!  You’ll have more energy to get through your busy week, plus you’ll have a more positive outlook as well.

Come along with me as I look at five categories of ways to incorporate self-care into your life.

Care Packages

We usually think of care packages as things we send to other people, but there is no rule that says you can’t put together a care package for yourself.

What would you really enjoy? Maybe a spa day would be the perfect thing to help you rejuvenate. 

Enjoy some pampering, relaxation, a warm cup of delicious herbal tea, and return home feeling like a million bucks.

If your finances don’t allow for a day at the spa, why not enjoy some pampering at home? 

Light some votives, put on some soothing music, relax in a hot tub full of bubbles, and let your worries drift away.

Even a simple care package that includes your hikers for a walk in nature, a picnic lunch, and a book by your favorite author can provide you with what you need to feel revived and refreshed.

Check out other ideas in the list that follows!

59 Care Package

1. “Take a detox bath (use Epsom salts and essential oils)”

2. “Plan a spa day”

3. “Drink a cup of herbal tea (Soothing Caramel Bedtime is delicious!)”

4. “Get take-out for dinner”

5. “Try a new face mask”

6. “Sleep”

7. “Exercise”

8. “Walk in nature”

9. “Breathe deeply”

10. “Buy yourself flowers”

11. “Go for a long walk”

Go for a long walk

12. “Get a massage”

13. “Do something that makes you laugh”

14. “Have a night with friends”

15. “Go out on a date night”

16. “Declutter items”

17. “Plan a getaway”

18. “Give yourself (or get) a manicure”

19. “Make a self care kit

20. “Watch your favorite show”

21. “Light your favorite candle”

22. “Read motivational quotes or uplifting self-care quotes”

Read motivational quotes or uplifting self-care quotes

23. “Go out for a coffee”

24. “Listen to your favorite podcast”

25. “Cook your favorite meal”

26. “Put on nice clothes and makeup”

27. “Go to your favorite place”

28. “Drink a full glass of water”

29. “Take some pretty photos”

30. “Listen to your favorite music”

31. “Watch a motivational Ted Talk”

32. “Diffuse quality essential oils”

33. “Change your sheets”

Change your sheets

34. “Learn a new card/board game”

35. “Plan a self care day”

36. “Put up photos of loved ones in your home (or on your phone)”

37. “Sing to your favorite song”

38. “Plan a family night”

39. “Unfollow toxic people on social media (or do a full social media detox)”

40. “Re-arrange a room in your home”

41. “Go on a picnic”

42. “Bake an indulgent treat”

43. “Sign up to volunteer”

44. “Make yourself a fancy cocktail or coffee”

Make yourself a fancy cocktail or coffee

45. “Watch the clouds or stars”

46. “Give yourself (or get) a pedicure”

47. “Sleep with a weighted blanket”

48. “Enjoy a piece of creative art (painting, movie, theater, dance, etc)”

49. “Buy something fresh at the farmer’s market”

50. “Try a foam roller for increased blood flow and self-massage”

51. “Send a surprise card or care package to someone”

52. “Establish a comforting night routine”

53. “Do something playful with your kids (or someone else’s kids)”

54. “End your shower on cold”

55. “Go on a bike ride”

Go on a bike ride

56. “Talk to someone about your challenges (friend, parent, therapist, etc)”

57. “Tidy up one small space (desk, drawer, etc)”

58. “Take a nap”

59. “Start a worry list to get things out of your head”

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Coloring Books

Adult coloring books are a great way to slow things down and reduce anxiety.

Remember when you were a kid and you loved coloring? Well, it’s been shown that this pastime can help you feel more in control and less stressed.

How does this work? When we color, we are required to concentrate and focus. Adult coloring books are very detailed and require great concentration to color.

Our mind becomes focused on the coloring and moves away from what was stressing us.

Adult coloring books reflect many different topics and interests. My son gave me a beautiful coloring book full of intricate and complex images based on the movie, The Princess Bride.

Taking time out of the day to do some relaxing coloring always made me feel totally chill.

If you haven’t tried coloring books before, give them a go. Prepare to feel relaxed!

11 Coloring Books

60. “Color in an adult coloring book”

61. “Coloring Book For Adults: 100 Stress Relieving Mandala Designs for Relaxation”

62. “Adult Coloring Book: Stress Relieving Designs Animals, Mandalas, Flowers, Paisley Patterns And So Much More”

63. “Posh Adult Coloring Book: Thomas Kinkade Designs for Inspiration & Relaxation”

64. “Disney Dreams Collection Thomas Kinkade Studios Coloring Book”

65. “100 Amazing Patterns: An Adult Coloring Book with Fun, Easy, and Relaxing Coloring Pages”

66. “Worlds of Wonder: A Coloring Book for the Curious”

Worlds of Wonder: A Coloring Book for the Curious

67. “Color & Frame – In the Garden Adult Coloring Book”

68. “Creepy Kawaii Pastel Goth Coloring Book: Cute Horror Spooky Gothic Coloring Pages for Adults”

69. “Harry Potter Coloring Book”

70. “An Inspirational Coloring Book For Everyone: Be Fearless In The Pursuit Of What Sets Your Soul On Fire”

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The concept of journaling has been around for a long time. We used to call it a diary.

A journal is a private record of your personal feelings and thoughts, your reflections of an occasion, a day, a year.

You can also write in a journal about goals and your plan to achieve those goals.

It can be pleasant and informative to be able to review your journal entries. This can help you see the progress you have made, and enable you to determine your next steps.

Taking the time to record your day or what you might have seen on a walk in the park can help bring clarity to your life. You might be inspired by something you see.

Journaling can act as an extension of an experience we have had either directly or indirectly.

If you haven’t journaled before, explore this wonderful resource and discover more about yourself and the world around you.

17 Journaling

71. “Make a bucket list or vision board”

72. “Journal”

73. “Read a personal growth book”

74. “Do a brain dump”

75. “Do something for the first time (like try a new restaurant or skill)”

76. “Call or text someone you love”

Call or text someone you love

77. “Watch a YouTube video about styling your hair or makeup differently”

78. “Spend time with someone who inspires you”

79. “Do a digital detox”

80. “Do something nice for someone”

81. “Hug someone”

82. “Work on a puzzle”

83. “Listen to an audiobook”

84. “Do something creative (paint, draw, write, etc)”

85. “Watch a YouTube video about styling your hair or makeup differently”

86. “Go somewhere just to people watch”

87. “Ask someone for help”

88. “Watch a sunset”

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Yoga And Fitness

An important element of self-care is physical well-being, and a fitness regimen will do more than improve your physical fitness.

When we exercise, we pay more attention to what we eat, how we think, and how we spend our time.

Fitness can mean mental and emotional, as well as physical well-being.

Another part of ourselves that is a part of overall fitness is the spiritual self.

Yoga has been practiced for hundreds of years and helps with flexibility, strength, and the spirit.

Let the ideas in the following list provide you with the inspiration to work on your overall fitness. You will be so glad that you did!

10 Yoga & Fitness

89. “Do yoga poses”

Do yoga poses

90. “Stretch to relieve tension”

91. “Eat a salad or smoothie”

92. “Get out in the sunshine”

93. “Watch the sunrise”

94. “Refresh your morning routine”

95. “Reach for a healthy snack”

96. “Do something physical for minutes to wear yourself out”

97. “Meditate for minutes”

98. “Get out into nature”

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Affirmations Cards

Affirmation cards can help us to be more positive, more confident, and more focused on our goals.

An affirmation is a statement about any part of your life that you want to focus on to improve.

If your relationships could use some work then your affirmation cards will reflect how ro develop positive relationships.

If you want to be better with your finances then your affirmation cards will contain statements of good money management.

Put your affirmation cards where you will see them often. You could put one on your desk at work, on your night stand, and in the car.

Affirmation cards can work for children, too, and as a family you can use affirmation cards to work toward a common goal. 

Read the list of ideas for affirmation cards and start using this effective tool in your life.

12 Affirmation Cards

99. “Write things you are grateful for”

100. “Write things you love about yourself”

Write things you love about yourself

101. “Read or write poetry”

102. “Try a few positive affirmations"

103. “Plan or go on a lunch date (then pay for your friend)”

104. “Donate to a cause”

105. “Spread kindness to someone”

106. “Plant something”

107. “Pray”

108. “Listen to a new podcast”

109. “Read a magazine at a bookstore or library”

110. "Go a day without checking your email/messages"

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Self-Care Ideas To Freshen Up?

Self-care ideas to freshen up include skincare routines, taking relaxing baths, engaging in hobbies, spending time in nature, and practicing mindfulness activities.

How Can Self-Care Ideas To Freshen Benefit Individuals?

Self-care ideas to freshen can rejuvenate the mind, body, and spirit, reducing stress, improving mood, boosting energy levels, and enhancing overall well-being.

Are There Quick Self-Care Ideas To Freshen For Busy Individuals?

Yes, quick self-care ideas include deep breathing exercises, listening to uplifting music, stretching breaks, enjoying a cup of tea, or simply stepping outside for fresh air.

Can Self-Care Ideas To Freshen Be Incorporated Into Daily Routines?

Yes, integrating self-care activities into daily routines is key. Even small acts like taking breaks, staying hydrated, or practicing gratitude can contribute to feeling refreshed.

How Can Self-Care Ideas To Freshen Be Personalized?

Self-care is individualized, so personalize activities based on preferences and needs. Experiment with different ideas to find what brings the most joy and relaxation.

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