Using journal prompts for positive intention will lead you to live a happier life.
These prompts bring out emotions, feelings, concerns, and everyday challenges.
They make you more aware of them, but also encourage you to make a progressive change.
They structure your goal-setting and decision-making.
Having a positive intention mindset is like telling the universe that you deserve everything you wish for.
Setting positive intentions for the day, week, or month instead of having a negative mind can be beneficial in many ways.
One way is to go with the flow, trust the process and focus on gratitude.
When we start forcing things, we are wasting energy that can be used to set goals.
So set an intention to spend less time complaining about your life and more time participating in your personal growth process.
In this article, I'm going to teach you how to overcome negative thoughts in many aspects using journaling prompts to achieve positive intentions that will lead you to have a fulfilling, meaningful life.
Let's make every day count and improve our life by living it in a good way.
A way where you can acknowledge the situations you are facing but also know how to overcome them.
Why Is Using A Journal Prompt Positive?
Journaling prompts foster personal growth and positively impact how you perceive things.
They can inspire you to be more open with emotions, provide focus, facilitate self-expression, and nurture emotional stability and personal growth.
It is a tool of self-discovery and self-care and can help you heal.
Are you ready to begin the process of creating a positive intention mindset?
Well, you are at the right place because I'm about to show you how exactly these journaling prompts will change your life.
14 Journal Prompts For Self Discovery
Self-discovery is the process of knowing who you are without judging yourself.
Journaling prompts develop self-reflection.
They prompt you to direct your thoughts about what you like and don't like about yourself.
Through this process, you gain valuable insights about you.
Self-discovery is about knowing your desires, motivations, and aspirations and how to accomplish them.
They are important if you want to improve and set your intentions.
Start your self-discovery with these journaling prompts:
1. "What makes you angry?"
2. "What one emotion would you like to focus on in the new year?"
3. "Make a list of different words that appeal to you. Is there one word that stands out?"

4. "What life events have shaped your life today? Why?"
5. "Which relationships bring you the most joy?"
6. "What one word do you think you can practically stay consistent with during an entire year?"
7. "What are you most grateful for?"
8. "Your life would be incomplete without _."
9. "Think about what you want more or less of in the upcoming year. What one word will help you get there?"
10. "What values are the most important to you? How do your actions reflect those values?"
11. "What inspires you or motivates you?"
12. "How do you practice self-care?"
13. "What are three things you turn to when feeling stuck?"
14. "Is there a particular characteristic you admire that you want to incorporate into your life?"
20 Journal Prompts For Anxiety & Healing
Have you ever felt so anxious that you can't even think straight?
Or, you suddenly feel stuck in a rabbit hole that has no way out?
Spoiler alert: you need to start doing something for your well-being.
And that "something" can be journaling.
This practice will help you navigate and process your emotions; it is a safe place to write your concerns, frustrations, everyday challenges, and basically everything that you need to get out of your mind.
The following journaling prompts will provide you with a sense of emotional release, reduce your stress, give you a clearer perspective of your emotions, and start healing your soul.
Free anxious thoughts with these journaling prompts:
15. "What do you need at this moment?"
16. "What do you hope for in the future?"
17. "List at least five things you are grateful for."
18. "What feelings do you experience most often?"
19. "Think about someone else who is trying to heal. What would you say to them?"
20. "When do you feel the most anxious? What are your triggers?"
21. "What are 10 hopeful things you say to yourself?"
22. "What are your top stressors? How do you react when these occur?"
23. "What is your anxiety revealing about you?"
24. "What are ways to treat yourself more kindly?"
25. "What practical tactics are you using to help you heal?"
26. "What are three self-care practices you can readily access when you feel anxious?"
27. "Have you drawn boundaries with the people or situation that caused the pain?"

28. "What has the pain taught you?"
29. "Where in your body do you feel anxiety the most?"
30. "How has your anxiety helped you?"
31. "Where do you want to be in your healing journey six weeks from now?"
32. "What is the most difficult to process regarding your pain? "
33. "Are you aware when you’re anxious? What feelings often come up?"
34. "What could you do to bring yourself more peace?"
39 Journal Prompts To Start Your Week
The only thing we have is the now.
Instead of getting overwhelmed with thoughts of the future, you can start planning your week.
Having journaling prompts to start your week can help you get an idea of what you want to achieve in the short-term.
When facing choices or challenges in your daily life, journaling prompts can provide a structured "guide" to explore and define your options.
They encourage you to consider different perspectives, be aware of your pros and cons and reflect on potential results.
Start your week with these journaling prompts:
35. "Write down one good ritual you want to start working on this week"
36. "What feeling would you like to embody this week?"
37. "What do you feel like you need the most for the week ahead, and how can you meet that need?"
38. "What would you like to celebrate on Sunday and what needs to happen this week to be able to celebrate it?"
39. "What’s one thing you’d like to have done by the end of the week (no matter how small) that will make you feel proud of yourself?"
40. "What things are you willing to let go of this week so you can live your best life?"
41. "What would your future self (aka Sunday self) say to your current self (aka Monday self)?"
42. "What word, image, feeling, energy could guide you this week?"
43. "What boundaries do you need to set with others and yourself to prioritise your intention this week and self care rituals?"
44. "What do you need to believe about yourself to manifest your vision this week?"
45. "What ritual are you going to commit to this week to stay in alignment with your intention?"
46. "What do I hope to learn this week?"
47. "What do I plan to enjoy most about this week?"
48. "What can I delegate this week or let go of?"
49. "How will I know if I’m feeling stressed, tired or overwhelmed?"
50. "How will I find enjoyment in my every day?"
51. "What am I most looking forward to this week and why?"
52. "How will I look after my home this week?"
53. "How will I take care of myself this week?"
54. "Do I need help and support from anyone this week? If so, why?"
55. "How will I manage my finances this week?"
56. "What are my intentions and hopes for the week?"
57. "What would I need to do this week to feel content and fulfilled when the weekend comes around?"
58. "What encouragement will I give myself this week?"
59. "How will I take care of my mental health this week?"
60. "How will I look after my physical health this week?"

61. "What went well last week and what can I learn to bring forward to the week ahead?"
62. "What habits do I plan to maintain or build upon this week?"
63. "What word, thought or feeling sums up how I feel about or anticipate the week ahead?"
64. "What am I not looking forward to this week and why?"
65. "How will I reconnect with myself and my thoughts and feelings on a regular basis this week?"
66. "What will I say no to this week and why?"
67. "What do I hope to be successful at this week?"
68. "What is my greatest goal for this week?"
69. "How will I spend the weekend to close this week and begin the next?"
70. "How will I build and strengthen my important relationships this week?"
71. "What am I most grateful for this week and why?"
72. "What didn’t go well last week and what can I learn to bring forward to the week ahead?"
73. "What will I do with my free time this week?"
25 Prompts For Daily Life & Goals
Setting positive intentions and goals for the day can help you in a variety of ways.
Have you ever set a goal, and at the first moment you don't achieve it, you feel you have failed yourself? And as a result you start to feel even worse because of it?
Don't worry; we've all been there.
Once you start to accomplish small goals each day, they encourage you to keep doing better and better.
Writing about your goals and the steps you plan to take creates a sense of compromise and accountability to achieve them.
It can also help you direct your thoughts and focus on a particular aspect of your daily life and goals.
Through this practice, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and start an intention-setting process.
Here is a list of prompts for daily life and goals:
74. "What is your ideal lifestyle?"
75. "If I feel that I am becoming overwhelmed, what will I do to relax?"
76. "How can I reward myself for doing my best?"
77. "What old beliefs would you like to abolish?"
78. "How will I stay calm today if things don’t go the way I hoped?"
79. "What steps can you take to get around those obstacles?"
80. "What is something you want to achieve, but you haven’t been able to?"

81. "Who is your highest self?"
82. "What are you the happiest doing?"
83. "What is stopping you?"
84. "What are you most proud of yourself for?"
85. "What does your dream life look like?"
86. "What do you appreciate about your body?"
87. "What health and wellness practices do you want to incorporate in the new year? "
88. "What part of your personal development do you need to focus on for growth? "
89. "What financial and giving goals do you have for the new year?"
90. "What are some small goals you want to accomplish in the new year?"
91. "What anticipated changes or big events are coming this year? "
92. "What intention do you want to set and manifest this new year? "
93. "What are you proud of yourself for doing/being in this present moment? "
94. "What are you most excited about for the new year?"
95. "What positive affirmations do you need to be saying daily?"
96. "Are you currently in a healthy or unhealthy state of being?"
97. "Are you currently in a healthy or unhealthy state of being?"
98. "What health and wellness practices do you want to incorporate in the new year? "
14 Journal Prompts For Future
There is something about the future that is uncertain, and many times it creates anxiety because we don’t know what will happen.
We overthink things to try to give a solution to our problems, but no matter how much energy we spend, we never know for sure how things are going to happen.
The only certainty is that we can begin to build an idea of the things we want to achieve through manifestation and a plan of action that allows us to have more clarity of the goals we want to reach at a specific time.
Here is a list of journal prompts for the future:
99. "What part of your personal development do you need to focus on for growth? "
100. "What financial and giving goals do you have for the new year?"
101. "What are some small goals you want to accomplish in the new year?"
102. "What anticipated changes or big events are coming this year? "
103. "What intention do you want to set and manifest this new year? "
104. "What are you proud of yourself for doing/being in this present moment? "
105. "What are you most excited about for the new year?"
106. "What positive affirmations do you need to be saying daily?"
107. "Are you currently in a healthy or unhealthy state of being?"
108. "Are you currently in a healthy or unhealthy state of being?"

109. "What were your big and small wins this year?"
110. "What do you value most right now?"
111. "What do you value most right now?"
112. "How are you feeling as you approach the new year?"
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is A Good Journal Topic?
Journal Prompts: You, Your Life, Your Dreams
- How is your week?
- Favorite movie and why?
- What is your favorite activity to do by yourself?
- What makes you the happiest?
- It's there something you're good at?
How Do You Journal A Positive Mindset?
Here Are Some Ideas To Help You Get Started:
- Write down five things you are grateful for today – It doesn’t matter if they are big or small.
- What is one thing you feel grateful for today?
- Write down something nice you have done for someone else or that someone has done to you.
How Do You Write A Mindset journal?
5 Mindset Journal Prompts
- Write down the things you want to accomplish for the short-term.
- Write down 3 things that will bring you joy.
- Write down things that make you feel good about yourself.
- Write down five goals for this year.
Continue Reading 👉: 130 + Journaling Prompts When You Don’t Know What To Write About