Loathsome, Lewd, Lethargy
The letter L is rich in both positive and negative words. My focus in this article is on negative L words, and there are many wonderful options.
If you are looking to increase your vocabulary, L words can really help with that. The words are categorized so that you can find what you’re looking for easily.
We will take a look at words that describe people and things, adverbs, obscure as well as unusual words, sad and depressing L words, and even Halloween words that begin with L.
Learning new vocabulary is a great way to increase your confidence, and when you feel more confident, you present yourself in a better light at work, with your family, and in your friendships.
In other words, words can be an important key to being a better, happier you. Not only will a bigger vocabulary allow you to express yourself with confidence, it can make your work and school assignments easier and faster to complete.
So join me now as I take you on an L word journey!
Negative Words That Start With L To Describe People Or Things
It is so satisfying to describe someone or something and have the perfect word at hand to really capture what they are all about.
This list is full of amazing choices for negative L words that can be used to describe people or things.
For instance, there is the word, loathsome. If something is loathsome it is repulsive and disgusting.
An example of loathsome in a sentence is, Cancer is a loathsome disease which takes so many lives in a painful and horrible way.
This word also works if you are talking about a person. For example, The politician’s corrupt actions showed his loathsome lack of morals.
Another negative L word that describes people or things is, licentious. This word refers to unrestrained sexual behavior. There is a lack of moral rightness.
A person who is licentious takes any and all liberties in regard to sexual acts.
Used to describe a thing rather than a person, one might say that the brothel was a den of licentious behavior.
Do read the list below for more.
Negative Words That Start With L To Describe Person Or Things
- "Lamentable"
- "Lukewarm"
- "Lumpy"
- "Lax"
- "Labored"
- "Lazy"
- "Long-winded"
- "Lubricious"
- "Languid"
- "Lying"
- "Lecherous"
- "Lousy"
- "Lascivious"
- "Lurid"
- "Lonesome"
- "Liar"
- "Low"
- "Laggard"
- "Lethal"
- "Ludicrous"
- "Loathsome"
- "Lame"
- "Lifeless"
- "Limiting"
- "Limited"
- "Lapsed"
- "Lean"
- "Leery"
- "Landless"
- "Legless"
- "Laxative"
- "Leaking"
- "Less"
- "Lang"
- "Leftist"
- "Lead-footed"
- "Likeless"
- "Left-handed"
- "Lazybones"
- "Lingering"
- "Liegeless"
- "Larceny"
- "Languish"
- "Lice-infested"
- "Lineless"

- "Lapdog"
- "Licentious"
- "Landlocked"
- "Laughable"
- "Limy"
- "Lazy-bones"
- "Lament"
- "Layoff"
- "Lascars"
- "Lawless"
- "Latent"
- "Leaden"
- "Lardaceous"
- "Laurelless"
- "Lassitude"
- "Leechlike"
- "Level-headed"
- "Lemnian"
- "Leakproof"
- "Liable"
- "Lecher"
- "Letterless"
- "Left-wing"
- "Leaky"
- "Liability"
- "Leglessless"
- "Ledgeless"
- "Lethargic"
- "Limp"
- "Leprous"
- "Livid"
- "Listless"
- "Loathly"
- "Life-sucking"
- "Limber"
- "Lipless"
- "Lightless"
- "Littered"
- "Licentiate"
- "Loath"
- "Linty"
- "Literally"
- "Limpid"
- "Lifeworn"
- "Linger"
- "Lightsome"
Negative Adverbs That Start With The Letter L
Before we look at negative L adverbs, let’s take a moment to clarify what exactly an adverb is and does.
Adverbs are those words that frequently end in “ly” and which give us additional information about an action, a description, or another adverb.
For example, you could say that the tea was terribly hot, the dog ran amazingly quickly, or the water slowly dripped from the faucet.
In these cases, the words, terribly, amazingly, and slowly are adverbs. So is “quickly” for that matter. “Amazingly quickly” is an example of an adverb providing more information about another adverb.
So now on to negative L adverbs. Let’s begin with, laxly. If something or someone is lax it means that it is loose, not strict. There is the suggestion of not caring and paying little attention.
As an adverb, laxly describes how someone acts. For example, you could say, the police officers enforced the law laxly.
Another negative L adverb is, lumberingly. This word depicts heavy movement with some awkwardness.
“The courier brought the many, heavy parcels lumberingly to the door.”
You could also use this adverb to describe a thing. Growing up on a farm, at haying time I would sit on the top of the hay bales as the hay wagon lumberingly took the hay from the field to the barn.
There are more terrific L adverbs in the following list.
Adverbs Starting With Letter L
- "Lustfully"
- "Labouredly"
- "Ladylike"
- "Languorously"
- "Lawfully"

- "Lumberingly"
- "Lachrymosely"
- "Lackadaisically"
- "Leadingly"
- "Laxly"
- "Languishingly"
- "Lauditorily"
- "Libelously"
- "Laterally"
- "Lamely"
- "Lifelessly"
- "Lightheadedly"
- "Left"
- "Lightly"
- "Lengthily"
- "Lots"
- "Learnedly"
- "Listlessly"
- "Lethally"
- "Lonesomely"
- "Leftward"
- "Lucidly"
- "Linguistically"
- "Lividly"
- "Legalistically"
- "Limitedly"
- "Licentiously"
- "Lovingly"
- "Loosely"
- "Limberly"
- "Left-To-Right"
- "Lightheartedly"
- "Lewdly"
- "Leeringly"
- "Loyally"
- "Leisurely"
- "Longingly"
- "Lingeringly"
- "Libidinously"
- Leniently"
- "Lissomely"
- "Lostly"
- "Languidly"
- "Lively"
- "Lousily"
- "Logically"
- "Leerily"
- "Lugubriously"
- "Left-Handedly"
- "Latently"

- "Lyrically"
- "Lushly"
- "Leadenly"
- "Laconically"
- "Lavishly"
- "Luridly"
- "Levelly"
- "Loftily"
- "Ludicrously"
- "Loquaciously"
- "Luxuriously"
- "Lispingly"
- "Lowly"
- "Long-Windedly"
- "Lacklustrely"
- "Liltingly"
- "Laboriously"
- "Lithely"
- "Loudly"
- "Lamentingly"
- "Limply"
- "Liberally"
- "Leftwardly"
- "Laughingly"
- "Lengthwise"
- "Lispily"
- "Lasciviously"
- "Long-Sufferingly"
- "Left-And-Right"
- "Luckily"
- "Limpidly"
- "Lazily"
- "Loathingly"
- "Louder"
- "Lustrelessly"
- "Lethargically"
- "Lecherously"
- "Lower"
- "Likewise"
- "Lightfootedly"
- "Lopsidedly"
- "Luminously"
Obscure Words That Start With L
Obscure words are words that we don’t hear very often, and we might be unsure of their meaning.
Learning about obscure words is a really good way of increasing our wordbank. This can be helpful for the next report or paper you need to write, or that powerpoint presentation you need to give.
The word, laconic, is a good example of an obscure L word. It means using very few words to express yourself either in speaking or in writing.
You might think that to be laconic is not a bad thing. Afterall, shouldn’t we express our ideas concisely?
The nature of the word, laconic, is that there is an aspect of rudeness. The written or spoken words reflect a lack of caring or indifference.
A third obscure L word is “lugubrious”. If a person is going through a difficult time they may have a lugubrious look on their face. This sadness could be caused by the loss of a dear friend, the end of a close relationship, or money challenges.
We can all feel this way from time to time, and it’s important to look after our mental health and well-being. Check out https://thefifthelementlife.com/ where you will find marvelous resources from crystals to spirituality, positive quotes and affirmations to music.
Obscure Words Starting With L
- "Laconic"
- "Labile"
- "Lachrymose"
- "Legerdemain"
- "Legislative"
- "Labyrinth"
- "Lackluster"
- "Leaven"

- "Laceration"
- "Legality"
- "Laborious"
- "Legislate"
- "Lackadaisical"
- "Lacerate"
- "Lancet"
- "Legislator"
- "Legacy"
- "Legitimacy"
- "Leisure"
- "Lampoon"
- "Legitimate"
- "Landmark"
- "Laud"
- "Largesse"
- "Languor"
- "Latter"
- "Laudable"
- "Lateral"
- "Laudatory"
- "Lavish"
- "Lapse"
- "Lieutenant"
- "Lexicon"
- "Lilliputian"
- "Liaison"
- "Liberalism"
- "Leniency"
- "Libel"
- "Liberate"
- "Lewd"
- "Libertine"
- "Lenient"
- "Libation"
- "Lexicographer"
- "Liberty"
- "Lien"
- "Leonine"
- "Level"
- "Lethargy"
- "Levee"
- "Levity"
- "Leverage"
- "Levy"
- "Leviathan"
- "Liquidate"
- "Literature"
- "Lineage"
- "Lionize"

- "Lithe"
- "Lissome"
- "Linguistic"
- "Logic"
- "Loll"
- "Literal"
- "Loneliness"
- "Lofty"
- "Loathe"
- "Longevity"
- "Logician"
- "Litigation"
- "Lucid"
- "Loquacious"
- "Lode"
- "Loiter"
- "Lustrous"
- "Loot"
- "Litigious"
- "Luxuriant"
- "Luminary"
- "Lunatic"
- "Lugubrious"
- "Luminous"
- "Lurk"
- "Lyric"
- "Lunar"
- "Lull"
- "Luscious"
- "Lucrative"
Unusual Words That Begin With L
Words that are a bit odd or don’t fit nicely into a category may be called unusual words. Unusual words are often very interesting and extend our knowledge about history, geography, or another subject.
Let’s check out some of the interesting unusual L words in our list below.
First we have the word, laconicum. As a bit of a history buff, I was very interested to learn that a laconicum is a part of ancient Roman baths. It was specifically for the purpose of sweating, so something like a sauna.
“Lacustrine” is a word associated with water. A lacustrine wetland is an area without vegetation, and therefore quite open. Examples of these are lakes, reservoirs, and farm dams.
Read on to learn about more unusual L words.
Unusual Words Starting With Letter L
- "Lacertilian"
- "Laciniate"
- "Lachrymiform"
- "Lackaday"
- "Laccolith"
- "Lachrymatory"
- "Lactarium"
- "Lacertiform"
- "Lacis"
- "Laconicum"
- "Laches"
- "Laciniform"
- "Lactogenic"
- "Lachrymogenic"
- "Lacunar"
- "Lactifluous"
- "Laetificate"
- "Lactiferous"
- "Lacuna"
- "Lacuscular"
- "Lacteous"
- "Laeotropic"
- "Lacustrine"
- "Lactescent"
- "Lactoscope"
- "Lagena"
- "Ladronism"
- "Lactometer"
- "Lagerphone"
- "Lagan"
- "Laic"
- "Lageniform"
- "Laevoduction"
- "Lallation"
- "Lairwite"
- "Lagniappe"
- "Laicisation"
- "Laitance"
- "Lagotic"
- "Laicism"
- "Lagostoma"
- "Lamella"
- "Lambitive"
- "Lamina"
- "Lamboys"
- "Laminary"
- "Lambdoid"
- "Lamé"
- "Lamelliform"
- "Lambert"
- "Laodicean"
- "Lanigerous"
- "Languescent"
- "Lanyard"
- "Laniary"
- "Lapactic"
- "Lanuginose"
- "Languet"
- "Laniferous"
- "Langur"
- "Lambrequin"
- "Lamiaceous"
- "Lambent"
- "Lampadomancy"
- "Lampyridine"
- "Lampad"
- "Lanameter"
- "Lamprophony"
- "Lampadephore"
- "Lanate"
- "Lamister"
- "Lampion"
- "Lanai"
- "Lampadedromy"
- "Lanceolate"
- "Lapidescent"
- "Lapidarian"
- "Lapideous"
- "Laparoscope"
- "Lapidary"
- "Lapifidication"
- "Lapidate"
- "Lapicide"
- "Lampas"
- "Lapilliform"
- "Lancination"
- "Lammergeier"
- "Langlauf"
- "Lanciform"
- "Lappaceous"
- "Langley"
- "Landau"
- "Landocracy"
- "Lappet"
- "Lancinate"
- "Lapillus"
- "Laquearia"
- "Largiloquent"
- "Lack-Latin"
- "Lanspresado"
- "Latebra"
- "Lachanopolist"
- "Lallycodler"
- "Last-Feather"
- "Labber"
- "Latrate"
- "Land-Damn"
- "Lemnisc"
- "Leatherlaps"
- "Lemniscate"
- "Latericumbent"
- "Lennochmore"
- "Latitate"
- "Leatherdoom"
- "Latebricole"
- "Lentitude"
- "Leg-Stretcher"
- "Leasty"
- "Lip-Salve"
- "Long-Catching"
- "Louring"
- "Lowering"
- "Loblolly"
- "Love-Darg"
- "Lorrach"
- "Looming"
- "Ligibed"
- "Lowe"
- "Lily-livered"
- "Locupletative"
- "Long-Tongue"
- "Litotes"
- "Loutch"
- "Leppy"
- "Lococession"
- "Lust-Dieted"
Halloween Words That Start With The Letter L
Ask most children what their favorite holiday is and many will say Halloween, or it will be a close second to Christmas.
With the excitement of dressing up in costume, and trick or treating, not to mention parties and all of the spooky aspects of Halloween, this holiday is loaded with fun!
Lantern is an L word that plays a special part in Halloween. A jack-o’-lantern decorates an entranceway on this night, inviting children to trick or treat there.
The jack-o’-lantern is one of the most iconic of Halloween symbols and has its roots in an Irish legend about Stingy Jack, a clever, somewhat immoral character who the Devil doomed to walk the earth with just a piece of coal in a turnip for a light.
Irish immigrants to North America brought the myth with them and the pumpkin was adopted as the lantern of choice.
Halloween Words Starting With Letter L
- "Lantern"
- "Lurking"
- "Leotard"
- "Lycanthrope"
- "Lightening"
Sad And Depressing Words That Begin With L
Sadness and depression can come to all of us, and it can be helpful when this happens to talk to a close friend.
Having the words to explain how you are feeling allows you to better understand what you are feeling yourself, and can also help the listener to more clearly grasp what you are going through.
Loneliness is a widespread issue in our society. Many people suffer from feelings of loneliness, and it can take its toll on a person’s well-being.
Loneliness can stem from different things. You may have broken up with your long-time partner and now are feeling lost and lonely. The time you spent with that person is now time you don’t know how to fill.
Many older people who have limited mobility become shut inside their homes, and loneliness becomes their state of being.
As well, there can be people who are out and about, attending school, or going to work, but they feel lonely because they have no friends. This can be particularly true if we have recently moved to a new place, or if we lack social skills.
If you suffer from loneliness, reach out to a medical practitioner, a therapist, or look for online resources that can help to guide you.
There is help available. No one should have to suffer from loneliness.
Sad & Depressing Words Starting With L
- "Low-Spirited"
- "Lamentably "
- "Lovesick"
- "Lowdown"
- "Lackadaisical "
- "Low-Key"
- "Longing"
- "Luckless"
- "Low-Quality"
- "Let Down"
- "Lacerated"
- "Low In Spirits"
- "Lamenting"
- "Long-Faced"
- "Languishing"
- "Low Spirits"
- "Lowest"
- "Longing For Home"
- "Lost"
- "Low-Rent"
- "Lonely"
- "Low-Grade"
- "Lemon"
Negative L Adjectives
Adjectives are descriptive words that provide information about people, places, and things which are also known as nouns.
The letter L is rich in powerful adjectives. Lethargic is an example of a negative L adjective. It means sluggish and not really caring.
The typical picture of a lethargic person is the ‘couch potato’. You have zero energy, and don’t care about much except watching TV or looking at TikTok videos.
When you feel lethargic, don’t let that feeling go on for too long. Fight the impulse to stay on the couch for hours or days, and get up and do something.
Inactivity, and lazing around can easily lead to more inactivity and lazing around. These days with Netflix, Disney, Apple TV, and Prime it is way too easy to recline on the couch and binge watch a show.
You’ll feel way better, energized, and positive if you get up and get moving!
Negative Adjectives That Start With L
- "Larcenous"
- "Lacky"
- "Leathery"
- "Late"
- "Last"
- "Less-qualified"
- "Libelous"
- "Leering"
- "Life-threatening"
- "Lesser-known"
- "Libidinous"
- "Lesser"
- "Light-fingered"
- "Limping"
- "Loutish"
- "Loopy"
- "Lovelorn"
- "Lubberly"
- "Lowbrow"
- "Low-ranking"
- "Lopsided"
- "Lowbred"
- "Lumpen"
- "Lumbering"
- "Loser"
- "Loveless"
- "Lustful"
- "Loony"
- "Loud-mouthed"
- "Lusty"
More Negative Words That Start With L
This letter is so packed with great negative L words, that we had to include a list containing more!
Read on to find words like “litany”, “lope”, and “loimic”.
More Vocabulary Words Starting With L
471. "Lounge"
472. "Lectern"
473. "Leeway"
474. "Lumber"
475. "Ligneous"
476. "Lithochromy"
477. "Lithography"
478. "Latitude"
479. "Lithodomous"
480. "Lithoglyph"
481. "Lissotrichous"
482. "Lithoclast"
483. "Litany"
484. "Literose"
485. "Lithogenous"
486. "Lope"
487. "Litholatry"
488. "Literation"
489. "Lithophagous"
490. "Literator"
491. "Lithomancy"
492. "Literatim"
493. "Lithology"
494. "Lollop"

495. "Longiloquence"
496. "Lithophilous"
497. "Longiniquity"
498. "Liturgiology"
499. "Longueur"
500. "Longanimity"
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501. "Liturgician"
502. "Loquence"
503. "Longe"
504. "Lithophyte"
505. "Longeron"
506. "Liturate"
507. "Logomania"
508. "Loimic"
509. "Littoral"
510. "Loimology"
511. "Logocentrism"
512. "Logorrhea"
513. "Loimography"
514. "Logogram"
515. "Logodaedalus"
516. "Logos"
517. "Logopedics"
518. "Logogogue"
519. "Logotype"
520. "Logophile"
521. "Logocracy"
522. "Logogriph"
523. "Logomancy"
524. "Logodaedaly"
525. "Logomachy"
526. "Logography"
527. "Locuplete"
528. "Logia"
529. "Logan"
530. "Logicism"
531. "Logarithmancy"
532. "Locutory"
533. "Loganamnosis"
534. "Logice"
535. "Loggia"
536. "Lockstep"
537. "Logicaster"
538. "Loden"
539. "Locomobile"
540. "Loess"
541. "Loculate"
542. "Lodesman"
543. "Lobar"
544. "Loculus"
545. "Lobcock"
546. "Locum"
547. "Lixiviation"
548. "Lobate"
549. "Lobular"
550. "Locellus"
551. "Loan-Word"
552. "Lockram"
553. "Locative"
554. "Lituus"
555. "Lochlet"
556. "Livedo"
557. "Lochetic"

558. "Locanda"
559. "Locellate"
560. "Liturgist"
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Frequently Asked Questions
What Words Start With "L" To Describe A Person?
Here are some words that start with "L" to describe a person:
- Loyal: Showing steadfast and faithful allegiance to someone or something.
- Loving: Displaying affection, care, and deep affection towards others.
- Logical: Having a rational and sensible approach to thinking and decision-making.
- Lively: Full of energy, enthusiasm, and a zest for life.
- Light-hearted: Having a cheerful and carefree demeanor, often finding humor in situations.
- Level-headed: Being calm, composed, and able to make rational judgments even in challenging circumstances.
These words capture various positive traits and characteristics when describing a person starting with the letter "L."
What Is The Meaning Of Awful "L"?
The phrase "awful L" does not have a commonly recognized meaning or specific definition. However, "awful" typically refers to something extremely bad, unpleasant, or of poor quality. The letter "L" on its own does not carry a specific meaning in this context. It is possible that "awful L" could be a typographical error or an incomplete statement. If you provide more context or clarify the intended meaning, I would be happy to assist you further.
What Are 5 Negative Words?
Here are five negative words:
- Disappointing: Causing a feeling of dissatisfaction or letdown.
- Incompetent: Lacking the necessary skills, knowledge, or ability to perform a task effectively.
- Disruptive: Causing disturbance, interruption, or disorder.
- Unpleasant: Not enjoyable, disagreeable, or causing discomfort.
- Harmful: Causing damage, injury, or negative consequences.
These words reflect negativity or undesirable aspects in various contexts.
Continue Reading 👉: 222 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “K”