Torrid, Tumultuous, Toxic
Terrific letter T! So many top-drawer words to choose from with this powerhouse letter, and we provide you with lists containing 610 of them!
Do you have a paper to write, a presentation to make, or are you simply interested in increasing your vocabulary? Learning some negative T words can help you with all of these things.
Have you heard of the Canadian band, The Tragically Hip? This rock band was formed in the 80’s in an Ontario city called Kingston.
The Tragically Hip have won fifteen Juno awards, and had many hot singles that topped Canadian music charts but in 2017, Gord Downie, the group’s lead singer, died of brain cancer.
The group disbanded, as the other members felt it just wouldn’t be The Hip without Gord Downie.
The Tragically Hip had a tragic ending with the loss of their front man.
Read on as I investigate more negative T words.
Negative Words That Start With T
Terrorism is one negative T word that has unfortunately been heard of a good deal on the world stage over the last several decades.
No one will forget the horrible and shocking act of terrorism against the United States when two planes crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2001. The islamist extremist network called al Qaeda was responsible.
9/11, as it is known, resulted in 3,000 deaths. This included the people who died when a third plane was flown into the Pentagon, and a fourth that crashed in Pennsylvania.
The response from President George W. Bush was Operation Enduring Freedom, the goal of which was to get the Taliban out of Afghanistan, and capture Osama bin Laden, the Islamic leader behind the 9/11 attacks.
Other cities, such as London and Paris, have also been the target of terrorist attacks.
Negative Words That Start With T
- "Thumb-Down"
- "Threesome"
- "Throbs"
- "Threat"
- "Throbbing"
- "Threatening"
- "Timid"
- "Throb"
- "Thug"
- "Threaten"
- "Thwart"
- "Throbbed"
- "Throttle"
- "Threats"
- "Topple"
- "Tin-Y"
- "Tormented"
- "Tortured"
- "Tortuous"
- "Timidly"
- "Tortures"
- "Torment"
- "Tingled"
- "Tiring"
- "Top-Heavy"
- "Timidity"
- "Toll"
- "Torrent"
- "Tingling"
- "Torture"
- "Toil"
- "Tiresome"
- "Totalitarian"
- "Torturing"
- "Tiringly"
- "Tragedy"
- "Tired"
- "Touts"
- "Torturously"
- "Traitor"
- "Torturous"
- "Tragic"
- "Touted"
- "Toughness"
- "Traduce"
- "Tragically"
- "Trample"
- "Trash"
- "Traumatic"
- "Traitorous"
- "Trauma"
- "Transgression"
- "Tramp"
- "Trashed"
- "Trap"
- "Touchy"
- "Toxic"
- "Tout"
- "Transgress"

- "Trashy"
- "Traitorously"
- "Troubling"
- "Tumble"
- "Troublemaker"
- "Tumultuous"
- "Troublesomely"
- "Truant"
- "Troubles"
- "Tumbles"
- "Troublingly"
- "Tumbled"
- "Trapped"
- "Treacherous"
- "Troublesome"
- "Trick"
- "Trivial"
- "Trouble"
- "Travesties"
- "Turbulent"
- "Treacherously"
- "Treasonous"
- "Turmoil"
- "Tricked"
- "Traumatically"
- "Tyrannical"
- "Twist"
- "Treason"
- "Trivialize"
- "Tyranny"
- "Travesty"
- "Twisted"
- "Trickery"
- "Traumatized"
- "Two-Faced"
- "Tyrant"
- "Treachery"
- "Troubled"
- "Tricky"
- "Twists"
Negative Words That Start With T To Describe A Person Or A Thing
Looking for just the right word to describe something you saw online, or a person who has newly entered your life at work?
Having the right words at hand to use to describe a person or a thing is very helpful. It helps you to communicate exactly what you want to get across clearly, and without giving wrong information.
The letter T gives us some great options for negative descriptive words that can be applied to people and/or things.
Let’s take a look at the word, toxic.This word can be used for either things or people.
Something that is toxic is poisonous.The skull and crossbones is the symbol of a substance that can kill you if it gets inside your body.
Bleach is an example of a toxic substance.
A toxic person is someone who can ruin your life with their controlling, abusive personality.
There are organizations that help people in this situation and will work with the individual to break free of the toxic influence in their life.
Negative Words That Start With T To Describe Person Or Thing
- "Trickster"
- "Temperamental"
- "Tasteless"
- "Terrible"
- "Tense"
- "Tattletale"
- "Thief"
- "Tangled"
- "Testy"
- "Tedious"
- "Tight-fisted"
- "Tainted"
- "Terse"
- "Territorial"
- "Tacky"
- "Tepid"
- "Teasing"
- "Tediousness"
- "Tetchy"
- "Tight"
- "Tawdry"
- "Tempestuousness"
- "Teary"
- "Truculent"
- "Thoughtless"
- "Trite"
- "Testiness"
- "Thuggish"
- "Temptation"
- "Thievery"
- "Turgidness"
- "Turbid"
- "Terror"
- "Tardiness"
- "Thuggery"
- "Tumultuousness"
- "Transgressing"
- "Tameness"
- "Toxicity"
- "Taintedness"
- "Termination"
- "Tameless"
- "Talkative"
- "Tele-teller"
Negative Adjectives That Start With T
Adjectives are descriptive words. They provide information about people, places and things, otherwise known as nouns.
We need adjectives to tell us things like what color something is, or how old a person is, what a painting is like, or what sound the wind makes.
In other words, adjectives have a very important role to play in speech.
Let’s consider negative adjectives that start with the letter T.
The adjective, truculent, refers to someone who is quick to argue or pick a fight. Do you remember the playground bully? That person could be described as truculent.
Another good negative adjective to add to your wordbank is treacherous. This means highly dangerous and can possibly cause injury.
The number of people who are getting involved in extreme sports is increasing.
The most treacherous sports are big wave surfing, bull fighting, cave diving, highlining, and soloing where people climb mountains without harnesses, ropes and no one along to help them.
To check out more negative T adjectives, read the list below.
Negative Adjectives That Starts With Letter T
- "Taciturnity"
- "Taboo"
- "Tactless"
- "Tawdriness"
- "Taciturn"
- "Taint"
- "Tardy"
- "Tease"
- "Thralldom"
- "Thwarted"
- "Tetchiness"
- "Tirade"
- "Timorous"
- "Toxicant"
- "Thwarting"
- "Torpid"
- "Timorousness"
- "Taradiddle"
- "Temerity"
- "Tantrum"
- "Tarnish"
- "Tension"
- "Teaser"
- "Terrifying"
- "Tenacious"
- "Twerp"
- "Tribulation"
- "Transient"
- "Trepidation"
- "Treacherousness"
- "Tremulous"
- "Turgid"
- "Twinge"
- "Twaddle"
- "Tropism"
- "Turbidity"
- "Truancy"
- "Truculence"
- "Tumult"
- "Trouncing"
Negative Adverbs That Begin With T
Adverbs give information about how you did something, when it happened, where it occurred, why it did, the conditions it happened under, and to what degree.
In other words, adverbs are extremely important because they provide us with important details.
Most adverbs end in “ly”, and the negative T adverb, tentatively, is an example of this.
Tentatively means doing something with some apprehension, not jumping right in, but taking a good look, and determining whether or not you really want to do this.
My oldest son is a pretty good swimmer, but when he first started swimming lessons as a little boy he was very nervous, and would get into the pool very tentatively.
Over the two weeks of his lessons he gradually got braver until he reached the point that he was not tentatively approaching the water anymore. He would excitedly jump in!
Adverbs That Start With Letter T
- "Taciturnly"
- "Therefore"
- "Terrestrially"
- "Titularly"
- "Terribly"
- "Tunelessly"
- "Tangibly"
- "Thenadays"
- "Trigeminally"
- "Totally"
- "Tomboyishly"
- "Toyingly"
- "Tumourously"
- "Toilsomely"
- "Tartly"
- "Temperately"
- "Townward"
- "Trendily"
- "Thereby"
- "Tolerantly"
- "Testingly"
- "Transparently"
- "Titillatingly"
- "Tenderly"
- "Teasingly"
- "Twittingly"
- "Tactically"
- "Thuswise"
- "Tryingly"
- "Tantalisingly"
- "Thrustingly"
- "Tritically"
- "Twifold"
- "Thrawnly"
- "Treatably"
- "Theer"
- "Tunicwise"
- "Trimodally"
- "Tonguely"
- "Triphasically"
- "Thriftily"
- "Thickly"
- "Typically"
- "Toweringly"
- "Tentatively"
- "Thencefrom"
- "Theremid"
- "Touchingly"
- "Trappedly"
- "Trajectorially"
- "Threatfully"
- "Termagantly"
- "Tonelessly"
- "Thereunder"
- "Thereout"
- "Tactually"
- "Timbrally"
- "Therefrom"
- "Tensorially"
- "Tattily"
- "Tonally"
- "Truculently"
- "Touchedly"
- "Toyear"
- "Tourist"
- "Therewith"
- "Torturingly"
- "Taxwise"
- "Tauntingly"
- "Testicularly"
- "Tautly"
- "Tantrically"
- "Toughly"
Sad And Depressing Words That Start With T
No one is a stranger to feelings of sadness and depression, but there are things you can do to work through these feelings, and move forward positively.
A key step to dealing with sadness and depression is recognizing where it is coming from. Talking to someone can be very helpful.
When we talk to someone, we give voice to our thoughts, and through this process it can become clear why we are feeling these negative emotions.
The source of sadness and depression can be any number of things. Let’s look at T words that may be reasons for feeling sad and depressed.
Trauma experienced at any point in a person’s life can cause a person to suffer from depression even many years later.
Mental health practitioners are learning more and more about helping people who suffer from depression due to trauma.
If you suffer from trauma, reach out and get help. It’s available!
Sad & Depressing Words That Start With Letter T
- "Tear-Jerking "
- "Tearful"
- "Tragical"
- "Touching"
- "Tristful"
- "Tender"
- "Too Bad"
- "Teary-Eyed"
- "Tenebrific"
- "Two-Bit"
- "Tenebrous"
- "Thin"
- "Torn-Up"
- "Temerarious"
- "Threnodial"
- "Triste"
- "Tragicomical"
- "Temporary"
- "Tragicomic"
- "Tough"
- "Tasteful"
- "Tart"
Negative T Words To Avoid
Some words are better avoided. In the category of negative T words to avoid we have, tyrant, and transvestite.
A tyrant is someone who rules with an iron fist. They are the absolute power, and they force people to follow their directives with threats of violence. Instilling fear in others lies at the heart of this kind of ruler.
It is not only powerful dictators who can be tyrannical. Ordinary people can also be this way. Living with a tyrant is no way for anyone to live, not a partner, and certainly not children.
A second term that should be avoided is transvestite. This word used to be used to refer to someone who was born with the physical parts to be one gender, but feels like the other gender.
The word transvestite is no longer used. Instead we now use the term, transgender. Be sure to use the proper term or you may be offending someone.
It is important to be respectful of the choice that everyone makes regarding their gender, and if a person is trans, that should be respected.
Avoid These Negative Words Starting With Letter T
- "Towelhead"
- "Toilet"
- "Tongue-tickler"
- "Tornado-bait"
- "Tinker"
- "Toe-rag"
- "Tea-bagger"
- "Tool"
- "Tits"
- "Testie"
- "Taserface"
- "Tardo"
- "Teat-sucker"
- "Termagant"
- "Tee-tee"
- "Teaboy"
- "Tar-baby"
- "Teetotaler"
- "Tartlet"
- "Teeny-bopper"
- "Titty"
- "Tosser"
- "Teapot"
- "Tore-up"
- "Tongue-punch"
- "Troll"
- "Take-down"
- "Thunder-cunt"
- "Testicle"
- "Tinfoil-hat"
- "Threepenny-bit"
- "Tinsel-town"
- "Throat-warbler-mangrove"
- "Tight-ass"
- "Thirsty"
- "Transgendered"
- "Twat"
- "Tyke"
- "Tripper"
- "Tampon"
- "Trumpster"
- "Toadstool"
- "Top-dog"
- "Transvestite"
- "Turd"
- "Titmouse"
- "Toothpick"
- "Train-wreck"
- "Tip-shit"
- "Triangular"
- "Tongue"
- "Tough-guy"
- "Toad"
- "Toe-jam"
- "Total-fruitcake"
- "Taker"
- "Two-bagger"
- "Trucker"
Obscure Words That Start With T
Adding some obscure words to your vocabulary is a good way to add some oomph to your speech, whether written or spoken.
Researching an obscure word will often lead you down an interesting road, and before you know it, you have learned a whole lot about a topic you previously knew nothing about.
That’s something to celebrate!
Traduce is a great word to start with. This negative T word means to damage someone’s reputation by talking badly about them, and making up lies about them.
People who traduce others can do a great deal of damage within a circle of friends, or in the workplace.
Always be an honest and trustworthy person, and that way, if someone does speak an untruth about you, or tries to make out that you are a bad person, your good track record will speak for you.
Do you know the song, “Tainted Love”? It was originally recorded by Gloria Jones in the 1960’s, but Soft Cell did a remake of it in the 80’s which you may be familiar with, and more recently, it’s Kelly Clarkson who has done a remake.
Tainted means contaminated or polluted. For example if you have meat that has gone bad you could say that it is tainted.
Anything that is tainted is bad, and if you are involved in tainted love, it’s time to put an end to that relationship and move on.
Obscure Words Starting With Letter T
- "Tactful"
- "Tantamount"
- "Tangible"
- "Tacit"
- "Taper"
- "Taut"
- "Tangential"
- "Tariff"
- "Tactile"
- "Tantalizing"
- "Taunt"
- "Talisman"
- "Tenet"
- "Tentative"
- "Temporal"
- "Tenure"
- "Temperament"
- "Tenable"
- "Tenuous"
- "Tautological"
- "Temporize"
- "Terminology"
- "Tenacity"
- "Theology"
- "Terrestrial"
- "Terminal"
- "Theocracy"
- "Territory"
- "Terrain"
- "Thrifty"
- "Tertiary"
- "Thrust"
- "Throng"
- "Tessellated"
- "Thespian"
- "Throes"
- "Threshold"
- "Toady"
- "Thrive"
- "Thermal"
- "Topography"
- "Traverse"
- "Translucent"
- "Transcendental"
- "Travail"
- "Transpire"
- "Transcribe"
- "Transparent"
- "Transfixed"
- "Transitory"
- "Tract"
- "Torrential"
- "Token"
- "Turpitude"
- "Trajectory"
- "Tome"
- "Torque"
- "Tutelage"
- "Torso"
- "Tractable"
- "Torrid"
- "Tranquility"
- "Torpor"
- "Trifling"
- "Trek"
- "Triumvirate"
- "Tread"
- "Trilogy"
- "Treatise"
- "Trenchant"
- "Truncate"
- "Troglodyte"
- "Tribunal"
- "Truism"
Unusual Words That Begin With T
There are some words we don’t hear very often in regular conversation, but adding some to your wordbank can be a real bonus.
For example, the word, tumultuous. It means confused, disorderly, and loud. A rowdy crowd at a sports event can be tumultuous.
We have seen this happen at soccer matches over the years, and some nations have a particular reputation for being loud and disorderly, and for causing tumultuous scenes.
Torrent is another excellent word to know. This word suggests a sudden outpouring of emotions or actions that are violent in nature.
We often hear the word, torrential, in regard to an extremely heavy rain that has come on all of a sudden.
Torrent can be used similarly but can refer to many things like a torrent of emotion, or a torrent of verbal abuse.
Unusual Words That Starts With Letter T
- "Tropological"
- "Tropophyte"
- "Trophology"
- "Trousseau"
- "Tropology"
- "Tropic"
- "Trottoir"
- "Trophism"

- "Tropophilous"
- "Tsiology"
- "Trophotropism"
- "Tropometer"
- "Tuatara"
- "Trophobiosis"
- "Tsiganology"
- "Tuant"
- "Trover"
- "Tuberiferous"
- "Trucage"
- "Trouvaille"
- "Trypanocide"
- "Trutinate"
- "Truckle"
- "Trumpery"
- "Trysail"
- "Trullization"
- "Tryma"
- "Trunnion"
- "Trucidation"
- "Tsessebe"
- "Trumeau"
- "Truncheon"
- "Truttaceous"
- "Tucutucu"
- "Tubicinate"
- "Tubifacient"
- "Tuille"
- "Tuck"
- "Tuberous"
- "Tubulate"
- "Tubicornous"
- "Tucket"
- "Tufthunter"
- "Tuberiform"
- "Tubulure"
- "Tubiform"
- "Tufa"
- "Tubicolous"
- "Tumulus"
- "Tunicate"
- "Tuitive"
- "Tumorigenic"
- "Tumblehome"
- "Tumultuary"
- "Tund"
- "Tulchan"
- "Tumefy"
- "Tumular"
- "Tumid"
- "Tuism"
- "Tum-Tum"
- "Tumescent"
- "Tulle"
- "Tunicle"
- "Tumefacient"
- "Tulipomania"
- "Tup"
- "Tumbrel"

- "Turbidimeter"
- "Turncock"
- "Turdine"
- "Turrical"
- "Turbinate"
- "Turgometer"
- "Turnery"
- "Turquoise"
- "Turdiform"
- "Turnspit"
- "Turaco"
- "Turophile"
- "Turgescence"
- "Turnverein"
- "Turbary"
- "Turgent"
- "Tussock"
- "Turriferous"
- "Twingle"
- "Tussicular"
- "Twain"
- "Tutulus"
- "Tussah"
- "Tutelary"
- "Twiforked"
- "Turriform"
- "Tuza"
- "Tutiorism"
- "Twee"
- "Turtleback"
- "Tychism"
- "Tympany"
- "Twinter"
- "Twixt"
- "Tyloma"
- "Typhlograph"
- "Twyer"
- "Tympanum"
- "Twink"
- "Twizzle"
- "Tye"
- "Tympaniform"
- "Tyrannicide"
- "Twire"
- "Typographia"
- "Typtology"
- "Typhlophile"
- "Tyroid"
- "Typography"
- "Typhonic"
- "Typothetae"
- "Typhlology"
- "Tyriasis"
- "Typomania"
- "Typhomania"
- "Tyroma"
- "Typhogenic"
- "Typology"
- "Tyromancy"

More Negative Words That Start With T
I hope you have enjoyed looking at negative T words with me, and have learned some new words to add to your wordbank, and to ultimately increase your confidence in communication.
If you would like to look at more negative T words, please read on!
More Vocabulary Words Starting With Letter T
- "Tarrybangle"
- "Thunder-Mug"
- "Tadly-Oodly"
- "Tib’s Eve"
- "Thunder-Smite"
- "Tartle"
- "Thalassocrat"
- "Tauromachy"
- "Tace"
- "Thalerophagous"
- "Tentaculiferous"
- "Tantra-Bobus"
- "Thesaurize"
- "Tell-Pie"
- "Tachythanatous"
- "Thoky"
- "Thumby"
- "Telewag"
- "Throosh"
- "Tea-Boardy"
- "Thunderplump"
- "Throatle"
- "Tergiversate"
- "Tripudiate"
- "Tooth-Music"
- "Tudiculate"
- "Tripotage"
- "Tizaky"
- "Tow-Row"
- "Troy-Town"
- "Tolly"
- "Twistical"
- "Trucidation"
- "Timdoodle"
- "Trootle"
- "Tortle"
- "Tuffle"
- "Toxiphobia"
- "Tisty-Tosty"
- "Tug-Mutton"
- "Trochilic"
- "Troat"
- "Trochiscus"
- "Trochal"
- "Trochiline"
- "Trochiferous"
- "Troglodytic"
- "Trochiform"
- "Trivirgate"
- "Trochilidine"
- "Triskelion"
- "Trocheameter"
- "Trochomancy"
- "Tritanopia"
- "Trochoid"
- "Tritavia"
- "Trochlear"
- "Tristichous"
- "Trisulcate"
- "Tristachyous"
- "Tritarchy"
- "Troglodytine"
- "Triticeous"
- "Tritheism"
- "Tristisonous"
- "Trismus"
- "Tristiloquy"
- "Tritical"
- "Triticism"
- "Tritheocracy"
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can The Use Of Negative Words Start With "T" Affect Communication?
The use of negative words start with "T" can have several effects on communication. It can create a negative tone, convey criticism, or evoke a defensive response from the listener. Negative words beginning with "T" can also escalate conflicts, hinder problem-solving, and discourage open dialogue. They may contribute to a more pessimistic or discouraging atmosphere in conversations. Being aware of the impact of these words can help promote more positive and constructive communication.
What Are The Implications Of Using Negative Words Start With "T" In Professional Settings?
Using negative words start with "T" in professional settings can have several implications. It can undermine teamwork and collaboration, create a hostile or discouraging work environment, and damage professional relationships. Negative words can also hinder effective communication and problem-solving, impede creativity and innovation, and impact employee morale and motivation. In professional settings, it is important to maintain a positive and constructive atmosphere to foster productivity, cooperation, and overall success.
How Can I Be Mindful Of My Language And Minimize The Use Of Negative Words Starting With "T"?
To be mindful of your language and minimize the use of negative words starting with "T," you can follow these steps:
- Awareness: Pay attention to the words you use and the impact they have on others. Recognize when negative words starting with "T" slip into your language.
- Pause and reflect: Before speaking or writing, take a moment to consider the tone and potential negativity of your words. Reflect on how you can convey your message in a more positive manner.
- Choose alternative words: Replace negative words with more neutral or positive alternatives. Seek words that inspire, encourage, or offer constructive criticism rather than resorting to negativity.
- Practice empathy: Put yourself in the other person's position and consider how your words may affect them. Strive to communicate in a way that fosters understanding and respect.
- Focus on solutions: Instead of dwelling on problems, shift your language towards focusing on solutions and possibilities. Encourage a proactive and optimistic mindset.
Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with positive influences, such as uplifting conversations, books, or quotes. This can help shape your language and mindset towards positivity.
Continue Reading 👉: 718 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “R”