Join me as I look at journal prompts for students.
The time in a person’s life when they are a student is filled with many things. It is an exciting time and a time of change.
Sometimes the student years can bring challenges, and it can be difficult at times to handle emotions and desires.
As you grow from early teen years to the late teen years, your body undergoes many changes, and you question everything it seems.
You naturally wish to become independent, yet you still lean on your parents for support and guidance.
Navigating these student years can be tricky.
As we get older and study beyond high school, we continue to develop our ideas of ourselves and our values.
34 Journal Prompts For Student Life
School makes up a good deal of our lives. These years have much to offer young people and you discover much about yourself, but school can also be difficult.
Perhaps there are courses you have to take but dislike and have trouble grasping.
You might experience the joy of making wonderful, life-long friends, but these years may also bring social challenges.
The journal prompts here cover many different aspects of student life and can help you through those years in a positive way.
Journaling is a great way to reflect and work through those thoughts by writing about them.
1. “What are your top five favorite activities? Why?”
2. “Are you happy with how your life is progressing right now? Why?”
3. “Am I happy? If not, what are my biggest obstacles to feeling happy?”
4. “What are your life goals? How do you plan to achieve them?”
5. “What negative “story” am I telling myself right now about my life? Can I replace this story with one that’s more useful and accurate?”
6. “How much time do I spend in the present, versus the past or the future?”
7. “When do I notice myself trying to be something, or someone, who I’m not? How can I live more comfortably in my own body in those moments?”
8. “What is a habit I’m proud I’ve developed over the last year?”
9. “Is there any part of myself that I’m holding back in the way I show up in the world?”
10. “Am I allowing myself the rest I need to recharge?”
11. “Do you know how others perceive you?”

12. “When do I feel most capable?”
13. “What are 3 things I’m grateful for today?”
14. “Make a list of events/people who can make you smile. Why?”
15. “Who is your hero? Why?”
16. “If you can change one rule at school, what would that be?”
17. “What vision am I holding for the future? Do I feel like I’m dreaming big with this vision? Or, am I holding something back based on what I think is possible?”
18. “Am I more aware of my emotions today than one year ago?”
19. “What steps can I take to grow into the person I want to be?”
20. “As I journal, what can I hear? What can I smell? Going through my five senses, what do I notice?”
21. “As a young child, what activities did I have fun with and get completely lost in? How can I pursue those activities at school, or outside of school?”
22. “What have you learned from your friends/classmates/peers?”
23. “Which rules make you the maddest?”
24. “What’s something that annoys me? Are there any changes I could make in my approach to the situation or my reactions to reduce how annoyed I feel?”
25. “In what ways do I feel myself changing as a person?”
26. “Who makes you lose your temper the most often?”
27. “Note down the predominant thought of the day every day for a month. What do you make of them?”
28. “What things at school make me smile?”
29. “Who are you? Answer the question in 50 words.”
30. “When have I missed out on fully experiencing something because I wasn’t mentally present?”
31. “Write down the thoughts you are having right now. What do you make of them?”
32. “Have you ever lost your temper in life?”
33. “How do I feel when I do poorly on a test or project? In what ways can I be more compassionate to myself in those moments?”
34. “Is there anything that I’d like to do differently in my life?”
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29 Journal Prompts To Understand Your Feelings
Passion, excitement, enthusiasm are all wonderful parts of being a student.
We tend to feel extremes when we are in our teenage years. This brings an unbridled desire to try new things and experience new situations.
Yet, the extreme positive feelings we experience we can also experience in negative emotions.
Working through these feelings and understanding more about them is a good way to manage those negative times.
In these prompts you explore your emotions in relation to school, friends, home life, and other aspects as well.
35. “What do you spend most of your time doing every day? Why?”
36. “What is your impact on people around you?”
37. “In what ways do I feel loved right now?”
38. “How am I feeling about myself in this moment?”
39. “How important is it to talk about my emotions, whether at school or at home?”
40. “Note down your dreams every day for a month. Your thoughts on why you had those dreams.”
41. “Where am I holding tension in my body right now?”

42. “What are the things you look forward to the most every day? Why?”
43. “Is there anything that you want to try but feel reluctant to? Why?”
44. “What are your hobbies? What makes you interested in them?”
45. “Do you think it is important to talk about your emotions?”
46. “Are you happy to follow rules at home and school?”
47. “Do you know how to deal with extreme emotions?”
48. “Make a list of your biggest assets. Why do you think of them as assets?”
49. “What makes me feel alive?”
50. “What do you feel about helping others?”
51. “If you can change one rule at home, what would that be?”
52. “How can I feel more aligned in life between my thoughts and actions?”
53. “What skills or personal qualities come easily to me?”
54. “Where do you find inspiration to improve your life?”
55. “What past failures actually helped me to grow, or to learn what I want (and don’t want)?”
56. “Who do you look up to in life? Why?”
57. “Noticing the thoughts going through my head, here are 3 things that pop up.”
58. “Where do you see yourself in 10 years?”
59. “Do you have improbable dreams? What makes them improbable?”
60. “How do you think you can become more productive and improve yourself?”
61. “What inspires me?”
62. “What’s been the most challenging part about growing up? Can I think of any ways that this has made me stronger?”
63. “Do I feel a sense of internal calm? If not, can I identify what obstacles might be preventing me from feeling calm?”
34 Journal Prompts For Excitement
Excitement plays a big part in student years, and during their teens particularly, students seek out activities that are exciting.
The thrill of sports satisfies the desire for excitement among many students. Competing against others intensifies excitement and is a big part of sport.
The pure joy of physical movement also contributes to the excitement. Students experience their own strength, speed, and agility.
The arts offer another outlet for excitement as students channel their passion into dance, music, theater, painting, sketching, and sculpting.
Students involved in the performing arts get the thrill of dancing or acting in front of an audience.
Look through these prompts to explore what sparks your interest and excites you.
64. “When I make a mistake, do I feel compassion for myself? If not, why? Remember that just as we show compassion for others, we owe compassion to ourselves.”
65. “What topics am I endlessly curious about?”
66. “Are you a procrastinator? Why do you procrastinate?”
67. “Make a list of all the things that you want to change in your life.”
68. “If your life were a book, what would be the most appropriate title?”
69. “Are there things I’m holding against the people in my life?”
70. “In what ways (small or big) do I impact my school, family, or community?”
71. “How do you feel when you receive a compliment? Why?”
72. “How can I be more compassionate towards myself?”
73. “Something I’m excited about that’s coming up at school is…”
74. “What’s something I’m procrastinating on right now? Why am I avoiding it?”
75. “How do I feel when I receive a compliment? Why?”
76. “Are there any conflicts in my life – whether with teachers, parents, friends, or relationships – that feel unresolved?”
77. “Is there anything in my life that I’m struggling to accept?”
78. “What role models or friends in my life embody a spirit and energy that I want to cultivate? What can I do to nudge myself in that direction?”
79. “What things in my life bring me joy? How can I do those things more often?”
80. “What do I appreciate the most about the life I live?”

81. “What are some challenges that stretch my limits and help me grow?”
82. “When was a time I didn’t feel seen, or felt or “less-than”? How can I hold compassion for myself in those difficult moments?”
83. “How does the act of journaling feel right now? What emotions are coming up about the act of sitting down and writing?”
84. “In what moments in the last week have I felt joyful?”
85. “Describe your top five proudest moments. Give reasons.”
86. “What’s making me feel anxious or stressed right now?"
87. “In what ways can I forgive myself?”
88. “Describe the emotions you are experiencing right now.”
89. “In what moments have I been thankful for trusting my intuition?”
90. “What habits am I working on?”
91. “When am I most often in a bad mood? Are there ways I can pause when I notice I’m in a bad mood, to be conscious of avoiding projecting my bad mood onto others?”
92. “When is patience most needed in my life?”
93. “What is your most annoying habit? Have you done anything about it?”
94. “What am I looking forward to today?”
95. “If you can change one thing in your life, what would that be?”
96. “What are my current top five favorite activities? Why?”
97. “What life lessons have I learned from my parents and teachers?”
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52 Journal Prompts For Optimism
Optimism is looking at things from a positive rather than negative viewpoint.
Students experience a lot of intense emotions across the whole spectrum of feelings, and can find themselves very happy one day and quiet and sullen the next.
These changes in emotion, often referred to as mood swings, are a part of normal teenage behavior and development.
It can be helpful to students of all ages to understand what things and what experiences make them happy as this allows them to assert some control over their emotions.
These prompts are fun and get you thinking about what you enjoy!
98. “What did you eat this week that was delicious?”
99. “What guilty pleasure are you secretly grateful for?”
100. “Who served as a mentor to you (whether they knew it or not)?”
101. “Write about a positive interaction you had with a stranger.”
102. “What do you deeply enjoy doing alone?”
103. “Write about something that always makes you smile, no matter what.”
104. “Write about an event in your life that changed it for the better.”
105. “What are your favorite things in the natural world?”
106. “Write about a favorite memory.”
107. “What friend are you most grateful for? What makes them special?”
108. “What has surprised you, in a good way?”
109. “Write about three skills or talents you have that serve you well.”
110. “Write about a person who always makes you laugh.”
111. “What was your best day ever?”
112. “What 5 songs are you grateful for? Why?”
113. “List 10 frivolous things that bring you joy.”
114. “List 5 things that spark your curiosity and inspire your interest.”
115. “List 5 positive qualities of the first person you usually talk to each day.”
116. “What positive impact did you have this week?”
117. “Write down one good thing that happened to you today.”
118. “What book or movie are you grateful for? How did it impact you?”
119. “What gift have you given that has made a difference in someone’s life?”
120. “Which day was more special than any other?”

121. “What do you really appreciate about your life?”
122. “What character trait are you most grateful for?”
123. “What about your living space are you especially thankful for?”
124. “Who taught you about unconditional love?”
125. “Who has loved you unconditionally?”
126. “What could you do this week to express gratitude to others?”
127. “What freedoms are you grateful for?”
128. “What could you not live without?”
129. “What’s the most memorable conversation you’ve had in the past year?”
130. “Who or what in your life are you happy to have let go?”
131. “Write about something you think is adorable.”
132. “What one thing do you own that makes every day a little bit easier?”
133. “What was the best gift you received as a child?”
134. “What about your daily routine are you grateful for?”
135. “Who helps you achieve your goals?"
136. “What makes you laugh so hard you get tears in your eyes?”
137. “What about today made you smile?”
138. “Write about a random act of kindness.”
139. “What is something great about your community?”
140. “Did a stranger ever do a favor for you?”
141. “What about your upbringing are you most grateful for?”
142. “Write about what makes your pet so special.”
143. “Who made you feel good this week?”
144. “What adversity are you grateful for?”
145. “How have you grown in the past year?”
146. “Where is your “happy place”? Describe it.”
147. “Describe your favorite mundane moment of the day.”
148. “What in your childhood are you grateful for?”
149. “Write about a person you are grateful for, but sometimes take for granted.”
40 Journal Prompts For Self-Discovery
During student years, teens are trying to figure out what makes them tick both mentally and physically.
We all go on a journey of self-discovery during this period of our lives. Through getting involved in some crazy antics we try to find out about ourselves, what we like, and what we don’t like.
The pursuit of self-discovery will often result in pushing the boundaries and trying things that might even be dangerous.
This kind of behavior is still often seen in students beyond high school.
The prompts in this list provide you with lots to think about and reflect on. Putting down your thoughts in a journal is a great way to get to know about yourself!
150. “If you had $150,000 to spend in 24 hours or less, how would you spend it?”
151. “What would you like to be remembered for?”
152. “What are your core values?”
153. “What in your life has given you the greatest fulfillment?”
154. “What do you need to say to someone that you are afraid to say?”
155. “List 10 of your favorite things.”
156. “What do you need to stop doing?”
157. “What do you wish you were doing more of?”
158. “What’s important to you right now?”
159. “Create a schedule for your dream life.”

160. “What makes you feel overwhelmed or paralyzed? Who could you ask for help?”
161. “What is something you have always wanted to try, but never have?”
162. “When did you last boldly take action?”
163. “If you could go back 10 years and spend 5 minutes with your former self, what advice would you share?”
164. “How do you feel about current events? What worries you, and what gives you hope?”
165. “Where does your future self live? What does that look like?”
166. “Write down the steps you need to take to get from who you are to who you want to be.”
167. “What’s your biggest priority this month?”
168. “If you only had two years to live, what would you most want to accomplish?”
169. “What are you thinking of doing that you are afraid to tell anyone about?”
170. “What is the one thing you need to focus on now, that will make everything else better in the future?”
171. “What kinds of activities take up most of your time? Are you happy about that? If not, what could you give up to gain back 30 minutes?”
172. “What would you write, if you felt it wouldn’t be judged?”
173. “Describe yourself in 10 words or less.”
174. “What do you value most?”
175. “What one discipline sparks your personal growth the most?"
176. “What’s your passion, and how did you discover it?”
177. “What is your time frame for achieving your dream?”
178. “Who do you want to spend more time with? Why?”
179. “Write about a mistake that turned out to be a blessing.”
180. “What gets you excited about the future?”
181. “Where are you giving something that you don’t actually want to give?”
182. “If you knew you wouldn’t fail, what would you do?”
183. “What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever purchased? Did it turn out okay?”
184. “What are you most excited about right now?”
185. “What demand(s) on your time do you need to get out of?”
186. “What do you happily spend a lot of money on (without feeling guilty about it), but suspect others might judge you for?”
187. “How could you play more?”
188. “What three keystone habits do you need to perform daily?”
189. “What skill do you need to learn to advance to the next level?”
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34 Journal Prompts To Explore Yourself
If you’re wanting to extend your understanding of why you feel the way you do at times, and what things really interest you as well as those things that don’t, take a look at the prompts in this list.
For younger students as well as older, the prompt that asks them if they are an Eeyore or a Tigger is a great springboard for exploring their character.
Other prompts are more suited to older students like the two that follow:
What is your personal definition of success, stripped of others’ expectations?
What have you learned that has changed your values?
Pick a prompt and spend some time with your thoughts.
Journaling about these things can help you understand things about yourself you never realized before, and you’ll be stronger for it.
190. “What task are you putting off that you just need to get done? How could you finish it within the next week?”
191. “Has there ever been a time you were on a path and something happened to completely shift your trajectory?”
192. “If you could spend twelve hours doing anything you want, anywhere you want, how would you spend them?”
193. “What are you not saying that needs to be said?”

194. “When people complain about you, what do they say?”
195. “Write your future self a letter that begins: “Dear future me, this is what I want for you…””
196. “Why do you live where you do?”
197. “Are you an Eeyore or a Tigger?”
198. “How are you contributing to the situation in your life that frustrates you the most?”
199. “What is your take on love?”
200. “What is your favorite thing about your current living space? What drives you crazy?”
201. “What rule do you most want to break? (Or what rule have you broken that you wish you hadn’t?)”
202. “Fast forward to your 90th birthday. What would you want your favorite future relative (who doesn’t exist yet) to say about your life?”
203. “What’s your biggest dream? Is there a smaller version of your dream that you could accomplish in two weeks?”
204. “What decision(s) are you procrastinating on making?”
205. “What is your favorite way to start the day?”
206. “When you are working in an optimal job, what do you enjoy the most?”
207. “List 3 of the best compliments you’ve received.”
208. “Where do you show leadership?”
209. “What’s the most important thing to focus on this week?”
210. “Who do you want to be in three years? How do you want people to see you?”
211. “If people become the amalgamation of the 5 people they spend the most time with, who are you going to be?”
212. “What place do you want to visit, but haven’t been to yet?”
213. “What short-term losses are you willing to accept now, for longer-term gains in the future?”
214. “Write about a “hell no” moment—a time when you were so outraged, you couldn’t help but take action.”
215. “What question are you grappling with?”
216. “What is your personal definition of success, stripped of others’ expectations?”
217. “What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?”
218. “When everything else is stripped away, and no one else’s opinion is influencing you, what is your truth?”
219. “What expectation do others have of you that you wish they didn’t?”
220. “What is your relationship with technology?”
221. “What time of day are you most creative? How do you want to use that time?”
222. “What have you learned that has changed your values?”
223. “What are your plans for going after what your heart wants?”
25 Journal Prompts For Self-Love
During our youth we are highly critical of others, but also intensely critical of ourselves.
We compare ourselves to others constantly, trying to measure up to people we view as ideal and perfect.
It is during this time of our lives that we can develop a negative view of ourselves that stays with us through adulthood.
Students, young and old, need to focus on accepting themselves for the unique individuals they are. Self-love needs to be nurtured and encouraged throughout our lives.
Check out these prompts to help you on the road to loving yourself.
224. “What about my personality do people compliment me on?”
225. “What are holidays like for you? What traditions do you hope carry on?”
226. “What did your family do really well? How did they show love?”
227. “Remember when you were a kid and someone told you not to do something? What did you do that you were not supposed to? When did your curiosity get the better of you?”
228. “What was your favorite toy?”
229. “What barrier keeps me from loving myself?”

230. “Write about the first home you remember.”
231. “What kind of self-care would be most useful right now?”
232. “What do you enjoy doing most with friends and family?”
233. “If you’re married, how did you meet your spouse? Are there any stories you want to record from when you were dating?”
234. “Write about the first place you lived on your own.”
235. “What am I wearing when I feel really beautiful?”
236. “What movie did your family watch over and over?”
237. “What does my inner child most need me to say to him/her?”
238. “What fulfills me?”
239. “Some of the most wonderful words ever said to me were…”
240. “Where did your parents work? What was their trade? Do you know how your grandparents made their living?”
241. “When you were younger, what did you like to do when it rained?”
242. “What was high school like for you? Did you go to events like football games, prom, or spend weekends gaming in a friend’s basement?”
243. “What advice would you give future generations who read this journal?”
244. “How do I want to grow? What do I want to experience? What do I want to contribute?”
245. “Where have I shown kindness to others?”
246. “What pets do you have?”
247. “What did a typical mealtime look like when you were growing up? What was your favorite food?”
248. “What were you worried about as a kid that turned out to be not a big deal for you as a grown up?”
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28 Journal Prompts To Understand Your Roots
Having a sense of self, understanding where you came from, and your connection to the past is important.
Knowing about your past, or your family’s past, the values of people related to us, can help us shape who we want to be.
Students in post-secondary studies as well as younger students often continue to learn about their roots, those influences, and how they choose to use that knowledge to be the person they wish to be.
For instance, I grew up in a family where money was something that was not talked about openly. It was considered personal information not to be shared.
This resulted in my not knowing how to handle money, and it has only been in my later years that I have figured it out.
These prompts can help you formulate your values and habits.
249. “Where were you born? Where were your parents born?”
250. “What is a family story that gets told over and over when people are together?”
251. “What do I need to feel at peace?”
252. “What change do I most want to see in my world?”
253. “Did you have a favorite book as a child? (Or a favorite book you read to your children?)”
254. “How would I talk to myself if I were 3 years old?”
255. “What world events impacted you when you were younger? How did they affect you?”
256. “How does my inner voice sound when it is beautiful?”
257. “Where did you go to school? What subjects did you enjoy?”
258. “Did your family survive a tragedy? What happened?”
259. “Write about when and how you learned to manage money and pay bills. What did things cost then?”
260. “Where was your favorite place to spend time? What did you spend hours doing as a child?”
261. “What kinds of wildlife did you encounter as a kid?”
262. “Write some of your favorite things about your mother, father, siblings, cousins, and/or grandparents. Help the reader get to know them.”
263. “Describe the kitchen in the home you spent the most time in.”
264. “Write about your first week of college, or the first week at your first job.”
265. “What did your grandparents tell you about how they grew up?”
266. “What was the hardest part about growing up?”
267. “What’s the ethnicity of your surname? Do you know what it means or where it comes from?”
268. “Capture what different decades were like for you. Write about your 20’s, your 30’s, etc.”
269. “Are there any family stories your aunts or uncles told you that you want to be sure to write down?”
270. “How did your mother and father meet?”

271. “Who was your childhood best friend? Tell us about them.”
272. “What captures your imagination?”
273. “Describe a mundane day. What is life like for you? Write down what you wish you knew about your grandparents’ or great-grandparents’ daily lives.”
274. “When I feel loved, how do I show up?”
275. “Write about your name. What does it mean? Who chose it?”
276. “How can I be kinder to myself?”
30 Journal Prompts To Understand Your Inner Self
These prompts get you thinking about all different aspects of your life.
There are prompts that are ideal for younger students, and there are others that the oldest student will find helpful.
Get to know more about who you are and what is important to you by responding to prompts about how you would act and react to different situations.
The prompts in this list will help you discover the person you want to be.
277. “How do you know when you’ve succeeded at something?”
278. “What is the best gift you could give and/or get?”
279. “How can you be a role model for younger students?”
280. “What does it feel like to apologize?”
281. “What is your favorite book?”
282. “How do you spend your weekends?”
283. “What is your favorite color? Has it changed since you were younger?”
284. “What is the first thing you do each day?”
285. “Have you ever saved up for a large purchase? How did you feel when you’d saved enough?”
286. “Are you friends with boys and girls? Why or why not?”
287. “What are your 3 favorite movies and why?”
288. “If you could pick one new thing to have on the playground, what would you choose?”
289. “Why is school important to you?”
290. “Write a story about life ”
291. “What is the best part of the school day?”
292. “Is school too easy or too hard for you? Why or why not?”
293. “Have you ever volunteered or donated something? How did you feel afterward?”
294. “Imagine your life as an adult. What would you do all day?”
295. “What is your earliest memory?”
296. “If you could invent something, what would it be?”
297. “Write a story about a magical tree.”
298. “What is your favorite time of the year? Your favorite season?”
299. “Why is it important to share with others?”
300. “How did your parents choose your name?”
301. “Write a story about a singer who can’t stop singing.”
302. “Write a poem about your favorite thing to do.”
303. “What would it be like to live in a house made of desserts?”
304. “Write a poem about your family.”
305. “What is your favorite thing about your parents?”
306. “What age are you most excited to reach?”

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27 Journal Prompts To Tell Your Story
We all have a story, and it’s ours, it’s unique to us.
Your story is precious and special and should be valued.
What is your story and how do you live it?
Whether we are young or old, we keep learning and telling our story every day through our conversations, our actions, and our reactions.
Let these prompts help you to explore and tell your story.
307. “Write a story about a kid who can’t stop growing and who has a superpower.”
308. “If you could throw a party for the entire school, what would it be like?”
309. “What is your favorite school memory?”
310. “Create a new version of a popular sport.”
311. “What is your favorite game (or what are your favorite video games)?”
312. “Write about your dream house. What would be inside?”
313. “What is your favorite place to eat?”
314. “What would it be like to celebrate something every day?”
315. “Write a letter to your best friend that says something nice about him or her.”
316. “Write a story about a magical pet.”
317. “How does it feel to win at something you’ve practiced?”
318. “Have you ever had a birthday party?”
319. “Do you ever have trouble sharing?”
320. “Think of something kind you could do for another person today.”
321. “What is your greatest dream?”
322. “Write a story about an adventurous anteater.”
323. “How do you feel when you play with your friends?”
324. “Would you rather be really tall or really small?”
325. “What is the best feeling in the world?”
326. “How does it feel when someone thanks you?”
327. “What does it mean to be creative?”
328. “Would you rather have one long summer vacation or several short breaks during the year?"
329. “What is the most important thing you’ve learned so far this year?”
330. “Do you believe that wishes come true?”

331. “Do you get an allowance? How does it work?”
332. “If you could use a time machine and travel back in time, where would you go?”
333. “Is it better to have older siblings or younger siblings?”
Frequently Asked Questions
How Can Journal Prompts Benefit Students' Self-Understanding?
Journal prompts encourage introspection, helping students explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, leading to improved self-awareness and personal growth.
How Can Journal Prompts Promote Self-Love Among Students?
Journal prompts provide a safe space for students to express their feelings and achievements, fostering self-appreciation, confidence, and a positive self-image.
Can These Prompts Be Applied To Various Student Age Groups?
Absolutely! The journal prompts are adaptable to different ages, offering age-appropriate self-exploration and fostering a foundation of self-love and understanding.
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