Vicious, Vile, Vain
The letter V is a very important one. It is the sign for victory, made simply by holding up two fingers in a V shape.
But the focus of this article is on V words which have negative meanings.
It is super helpful to know just the right word you want to use when you are writing a report, an essay, or making a presentation.
When you communicate in written or in spoken form, when you have the right words at hand, you get your ideas across more clearly.
Knowing you can express yourself well, in turn gives you greater confidence.
In this article you will find several categories of negative V words which will help you zero in on what you are looking for.
Adjectives, adverbs, descriptive words for people and things, words that reflect feelings of sadness and depression, and obscure and unusual words - they’re all here!
Let’s take a look at a particular V word before we dive into the others. I want to talk about Vampires!
The legend of vampires has been around for quite a long time. It became well known when Bram Stoker wrote the novel, Dracula, about a vampire from Transylvania.
The main point about vampires is that they must have human blood in order to survive. This gives rise to their stalking about in the night, looking for victims.
A vampire bites the neck of its victim and sucks the person’s blood. The person then bears the mark on their neck.
Vampires are thought to have superhuman strength, making them difficult to fight off. They also have a sensual appeal, and women are depicted as falling for the vampire, and succumbing to his romantic powers.
The legend of vampires has always been popular. The TV series, Buffy The Vampire Slayer ran from 1997-2003.
Let’s move on now to look at some other negative V words!
Negative V Words That Describe People Or Things
When you know the right word to use to describe a person or a thing, you can be sure that you are getting across exactly what you want to emphasize.
Did you get a new boss at work that you’re itching to tell your friend about? Have you been house shopping and want to describe a particular house and the neighborhood?
Searching for the right words to describe these things perfectly can be frustrating if you don’t have the words at hand.
Let’s take a look at negative V words that can help you to always have the word handy!
Vacant is a great word to add to your vocab. If you’re describing a thing that is vacant, it means that it is empty, and available.
We will often see a sign outside an apartment or a B & B advertising vacancies. This means that there is a room or an apartment for rent.
A vacant lot means that there is nothing on the piece of property, it’s empty.
Vacant can also refer to people. You could say that someone has a vacant look. That means that the person doesn’t look focused. They might look like they are daydreaming.
It can also refer to someone not understanding something. A teacher can ‘read’ their class by the looks on the students’ faces.
If there are a lot of vacant looks, then it’s a sign the students are not understanding. It’s time to re-teach the concept.
Negative Words That Start With V To Describe A Person Or Thing
- "Vacant"
- "Victimized"
- "Virulent"
- "Verbose"
- "Vindictive"
- "Vain"
- "Vicious"
- "Visionless"
- "Vandal"
- "Variable"
- "Violent"
- "Vexatious"
- "Vainglorious"
- "Villainous"
- "Voluptuous"
- "Venomous"
- "Vapid"
- "Vain-glorious"
- "Vengeful"
- "Vulgar"
- "Vehement"
- "Vandalistic"
- "Volatile"
- "Voracious"
- "Vixenish"
- "Valueless"
- "Vociferous"
- "Vulture-like"
- "Vituperative"
- "Vehemence"
- "Verbal"
- "Violent-minded"
- "Vengefulness"
- "Varying"
- "Vexation"
- "Viscous"
- "Vapidness"
- "Vendetta-like"
- "Villainousness"
- "Verdant"
- "Vulgarity"
- "Variegated"
- "Venal"
- "Vexing"
- "Veiled"
- "Venomousness"
- "Violation"
- "Victimizing"
- "Vermicious"
Negative Adverbs That Begin With The Letter V
Adverbs are little gems that are part of speech which give us all kinds of fantastic information.
They typically end in “ly”, and they tell us stuff like who, what, when, where, and how. Without adverbs, we would be missing a lot of key information.
For those of you who like grammar, an adverb can do three things. It can give us information (the proper term for that is ‘modify’) about another adverb, about a verb (also called action words), and about an adjective.
Now that you’re an expert on adverbs, let’s look at negative adverbs that start with the letter V.
We’ll begin with the word, vexingly. You can see it has the usual “ly” ending of adverbs. If something is done vexingly it means that people get irritated and annoyed by it.
You could say that something ‘gets on your nerves’. Here’s an example which will help clarify.
I was in a hurry to get to an important meeting, having only a few minutes to get to my destination. As always, I had planned on a specific number of minutes to get there, and no more.
Unfortunately, there was a traffic jam, and I was getting more and more freaked out about getting to the appointment late.
The police were vexingly slow at dealing with the situation, and it was driving me nuts!
Look at the following list for more great negative V adverbs!
Adverbs Starting With Letter V
- "Viewably"
- "Vengeably"
- "Virginally"
- "Ventrodistally"
- "Ventroapically"
- "Ventromedially"
- "Ventrodorsally"
- "Vacillatingly"
- "Ventrobasally"
- "Ventrolingually"
- "Vis-À-Vis"
- "Valourously"
- "Veeery"
- "Ventrocaudally"
- "Vicelet"
- "Vaultingly"
- "Vivâ Voce"
- "Verifiably"
- "Veridically"
- "Venially"
- "Vexingly"
- "Versatilely"
- "Viva Voce"
- "Violably"
- "Viscidly"
- "Vascularly"
- "Vengeancely"
- "Volitively"
- "Violetward"
- "Veloce"
- "Vandalistically"
- "Virologically"
- "Vagariously"
- "Variedly"
- "Viceregally"
- "Vixenishly"
- "Vicissitudinously"
- "Varicosely"
- "Vulpinely"
- "Volcanologically"
- "Vivisectionally"
- "Vandalically"
- "Velociously"
- "Virescently"
- "Verdantly"
- "Venously"
- "Vibroscopically"
- "Visigothically"
- "Vampirically"
- "Veinously"
- "Vapouringly"
- "Valuelessly"
- "Vortically"
- "Ventricularly"
- "Vernally"
- "Vindicatorily"
- "Vibronically"
- "Ventriloquially"
- "Vertuously"
- "Vampiristically"
Negative Adjectives That Start With V
Adjectives are some of my very favorite words. That’s because they bring things to life! Without these words, we would have no words to describe colors, appearance, emotions, or movement.
The letter V gives us some awesome negative adjective choices. Let’s start with the word, virulent.
Virulent is used to describe bitter or hostile actions or words. You could say that the citizens of the town took virulent action against the Council for ignoring the people’s pleas for positive reform.
“Vindictive” is another excellent negative V adjective. Someone who is vindictive wants revenge, but it goes beyond that. It’s wanting revenge to an unreasonable degree.
Have you ever known someone who is so intent on getting revenge for a wrong they feel has been done toward them that they won’t be sensible and try to look for another way to deal with the situation?
It can be really frustrating dealing with someone like this because they won’t move beyond being indignant about how they feel they have been treated wrongfully.
As a vindictive person, they are bound and bent on getting their revenge despite the fact that it wasn’t such a big deal.
Negative Adjectives Starting With Letter V
- "Vague"
- "Vexed"
- "Volcanic"
- "Vile"
- "Vegetative"
- "Vagrant"
- "Vinegary"
- "Vulnerable"

- "Vagueness"
- "Vehemently"
- "Vengefully"
- "Vanity"
- "Vengeance"
- "Vainly"
- "Vice"
- "Vestiges"
- "Vibrating"
- "Venom"
- "Vibrates"
- "Vent"
- "Vex"
- "Vibration"
- "Venomously"
- "Vibrated"
- "Vibrate"
- "Violate"
- "Vindictiveness"
- "Viciousness"
- "Villainously"
- "Vindictively"
- "Viciously"
- "Victimize"
- "Villains"
- "Vilify"
- "Vileness"
- "Violator"
- "Vociferously"
- "Virulence"
- "Vomiting"
- "Vomit"
- "Violators"

- "Vomits"
- "Volatility"
- "Viper"
- "Virus"
- "Vomited"
- "Violently"
- "Virulently"
Sad And Depressing Words That Start With V
We all have times when we feel sad and depressed, and one of the best things we can do to move on from these feelings is talk to someone.
That person could be your best friend, or a medical practitioner. Mental health nurses are widely available now at hospitals, and are there to help.
When you try to explain your feelings, it is helpful to have the right words. The following list of V words that express sadness and depression can help with that.
Take, for instance, the word victim. If you have been a victim of abuse or an attack, seek help. A victim is someone who has been injured in some way, and depending on the situation, it can really do a number on your mental health.
There are victim services available through the police, and you can also get help through other organizations.
It is critical to work through the issue, and recognize that you are not to blame. With help, you can move beyond sadness and depression, and move forward with a positive mindset.
Sad & Depressing Words Starting With Letter V
- "Vanished"
- "Viability"
- "Victim"
- "Veneer"
- "Vertigo"
- "Vermilion"
- "Versus"
- "Viewless"
- "Vigil"
- "Vigilant"
- "Vestige"
- "Violated"
- "Visceral"
- "Vista"
- "Vilified"
- "Vitality"
- "Visionary"
- "Void"
- "Villain"
- "Vision"
- "Voluntary"
- "Vivid"
- "Volition"

- "Vapor"
- "Variance"
- "Variety"
- "Vortex"
- "Venetian"
- "Venerable"
- "Variation"
- "Venturesome"
- "Vulturous"
- "Venereal"
- "Vaporous"
- "Ventilation"
- "Vein"
- "Venerated"
- "Versatile"
- "Vibrant"
- "Vie"
- "Versed"
- "Verge"
- "Victimhood"
- "Verity"
- "Vinegar"
- "Veterinarian"
- "Verdure"
- "Vestigial"
- "Violin"
- "Vindicate"
- "Verification"
- "Vintage"
- "Viscosity"

Obscure Words That Start With V
Obscure words are ones we don’t hear very often, and may be unsure about when it comes to their meaning.
Adding some obscure words to your wordbank is a great idea!
So let’s start with an interesting one, vaticide. It means to murder a prophet. This isn’t something that is done much today, but the killing of prophets occurred more often during Biblical times.
John the Baptist is an example of a victim of vaticide.
“Venenate” is another good word to add to your vocab. It means to poison. You might notice that the word venenate is a little like the word venom.
There is actually a connection between the two words, as you would venenate someone especially by using the venom of an animal.
There must be some cowboy movies where a bad guy sneaks a snake into the good guy’s boot, hoping the poisonous snake venom will kill him.
Of course, as our hero, the bad guy’s plan to venenate the good guy will get foiled in some way, and our hero will live to ride off into the sunset.
Obscure Words Starting With Letter V
- "Vernalagnia"
- "Vaticide"
- "Vindemy"
- "Ventripotent"
- "Viripotent"
- "Versemonger"
- "Vigintiquintuple"
- "Vagient"
- "Vaedik"
- "Vespertilionize"
- "Verbomania"
- "Vantage"
- "Vespasienne"
- "Vandyke"
- "Valor"
- "Valiant"
- "Vanquish"
- "Validate"
- "Vanguard"
- "Valedictory"
- "Venesect"
- "Vaticinate"
- "Vagabundulo"

- "Vuln"
- "Vandlop"
- "Vartiwell"
- "Vernal"
- "Verisimilitude"
- "Vernacular"
- "Verbiage"
- "Verve"
- "Veritable"
- "Veteran"
- "Verbatim"
- "Vertex"
- "Vandemonianiam"
- "Vapulatory"
- "Vauntparler"
- "Vulpinate"
- "Va-Et-Vient"
- "Veague"
- "Van-Jotthery"
- "Vaniloquence"
- "Vorlus-Snorlus"
- "Vizardless"
- "Voteen"
- "Volisher"
- "Vug"
- "Vivisepulture"
- "Voxy"
- "Voiding-Lobby"
- "Vowel-Mauler"
- "Veriloquous"
- "Valentining"
- "Vincent"
- "Verecundious"
- "Vectitation"
- "Vestry"
- "Vauntsquare"

- "Verfremdungseffekt"
- "Verbigerate"
- "Vitilitigate"
- "Velitation"
- "Vinerous"
- "Vivific"
- "Verkramp"
- "Venenate"
Unusual Words That Start With V
Unusual words can be lots of fun. These are words that are not commonly used in everyday speech, and there can be some humorous and strange choices!
Take the word, verbicide, for instance.
Do you know anyone who likes to play around with words? I know people like that. In fact, I grew up in a family that played with words a lot.
That might put us in the nerd category, but I’m alright with that, lol.
Both my dad and one of my sisters takes every opportunity to make a pun. And these puns might not be very witty; they often get a groan from the rest of us.
When someone intentionally uses a word incorrectly, like a pun, this is called verbicide.
Unusual Words Starting With Letter V
- "Vendible"
- "Vendace"
- "Vendition"
- "Venation"
- "Venefic"
- "Vendange"
- "Venditation"
- "Vendee"
- "Venenation"
- "Venatic"
- "Vendue"
- "Vendemmia"
- "Vendicate"
- "Venator"
- "Venerous"
- "Venigenous"
- "Veneniferous"
- "Venerance"
- "Venial"
- "Venerer"
- "Venencia"
- "Vengolina"
- "Venereology"

- "Venery"
- "Venography"
- "Venepuncture"
- "Venoclysis"
- "Venerative"
- "Vental"
- "Venireman"
- "Ventana"
- "Ventail"
- "Ventilabral"
- "Venose"
- "Ventil"
- "Venter"
- "Venostasis"
- "Ventifact"
- "Ventage"
- "Ventiduct"
- "Ventorious"
- "Venous"
- "Ventricumbent"
- "Ventricose"
- "Ventrad"
- "Ventricular"
- "Ventose"
- "Ventriculose"
- "Ventral"
- "Ventriduct"
- "Velivolant"
- "Velocimeter"
- "Veliferous"
- "Velocious"
- "Velociman"
- "Veloutine"
- "Velveret"
- "Vellon"
- "Velometer"
- "Velleity"
- "Velodyne"
- "Velutinous"
- "Vellicative"
- "Velodrome"

- "Velouté"
- "Vellicate"
- "Velum"
- "Velocipede"
- "Velour"
- "Velvetine"
- "Veracious"
- "Verberate"
- "Venule"
- "Verbigeration"
- "Venville"
- "Verbid"
- "Ventrotomy"
- "Verbarian"
- "Verbalism"
- "Verbicide"
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are The Disadvantages Of Using Negative Words That Start With "V"?
Negative words that start with "V" can introduce negativity, convey dissatisfaction, and hinder positive communication or problem-solving.
How Can I Replace Negative Words That Start With "V" In Professional Settings?
In professional settings, it is important to choose language that maintains a respectful and collaborative environment. Replacing negative words starting with "V" involves using constructive feedback, diplomacy, and a focus on problem-solving rather than blame.
Is It Possible To Break The Habit Of Using Negative Words That Start With "V"?
Yes, it is possible to break the habit of using negative words that start with "V" by practicing self-awareness, actively monitoring language choices, and consciously selecting positive alternatives. With dedication and persistence, new communication patterns can be established.
Continue Reading 👉: 2530 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “U”