Wicked, Whiny, Wounded
The letter W has so many great choices for negative words. Spending time on increasing your vocabulary is always time well spent.
Knowing the right words to express your thoughts and ideas for a presentation, a paper, or just in casual conversation can increase your confidence, and help you to be successful.
W words are the home of words associated with magic - witch, warlock, wizard. The extremely popular Harry Potter novels written by J.K. Rowling, aroused great interest in the world of wizardry. They inspired a series of very successful films.
There is an actual religion that witches belong to called Wicca.
Witches in particular have had a tough go in history. Witch hunts occurred both in Europe and in what was then colonial America from 1450 to 1750.
One of the most famous witch hunts took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 and 1693. Women accused of being witches were put on trial, and 19 were hanged.
Many of these women were simply different from the others in their community, and they stood out in some way. This made them easy targets for being accused of being witches.
Negative W Words To Describe A Person Or A Thing
When you know the right word to use to describe a person or a thing, you can be sure that you are getting across exactly what you want to emphasize.
Did you get a new boss at work that you’re itching to tell your friend about? Have you been house shopping and want to describe a particular house and the neighborhood?
Searching for the right words to describe these things perfectly can be frustrating if you don’t have the words at hand.
Let’s take a look at negative W words that can help you to always have the word handy!
Wearisome is a great word to know, and it works for both people and things.
The word, wearisome, is connected to the word, weary, which you probably guessed. When we say someone is weary, we mean they are tired.
Wearisome, when it’s applied to a person, means that their behavior, their actions, and their speech make others feel tired or bored.
Wearisome can also be applied to things. In this case, you might find your work wearisome, the same thing day in and day out.
If you are required to use a lot of mental energy in your work, that’s another reason for finding your job wearisome.
Negative Words That Start With W To Describe A Person Or Thing
1. "Wayward"
2. "Wicked"
3. "Wanton"
4. "Wimpy"
5. "Wearisome"
6. "Whiny"
7. "Warlike"
8. "Withdrawn"
9. "Weak"
10. "Worthless"
11. "Withering"
12. "Wheezy"
13. "Wrinkly"
14. "Winding"
15. "Wasteful"
16. "Wide"
17. "Weepy"
18. "Worn"
19. "Woebegone"
20. "Wispy"
21. "Windswept"
22. "Wobbly"
23. "Wintry"
24. "Weary"
25. "Weathered"
26. "White"
27. "Wounded"
28. "Willowy"
29. "Warped"
30. "Wiry"
31. "Worrisome"
32. "Wet"
33. "Wretched"
34. "Wee"
35. "Windy"
36. "Wonky"
37. "Waxy"
38. "Wrong"
Negative Adjectives That Start With W
Adjectives are some of my very favorite words. That’s because they bring things to life! Without these words, we would have no words to describe colors, appearance, emotions, or movement.
When we consider negative W adjectives, there are many great ones to choose from. Let’s take a look at the word, wary.
The first thing we need to do is make clear that weary and wary are not the same word. Weary is to be very tired, while wary is to be cautious.
Being cautious is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, you want to be cautious around a construction site, or if you have to get home late at night.
However, a person can be overly cautious, and that can keep them from trying new activities, ordering food they haven’t tried before, or going out on a date.
The key is finding balance. Be wary when something might be dangerous to your physical or mental well-being, but also try to have a sense of adventure.
Get the most out of life! Get out there and experience it!
Negative Adjective That Starts With W
39. "Waterlogged"
40. "Wasted"
41. "Wavering"
42. "Wailing"
43. "Wary"
44. "Watery"
45. "Wanting"
46. "Waxen"
47. "Weakened"
48. "Waiting"
49. "Worried"
50. "Waste"
51. "Worse"
52. "Whimpering"
53. "Wrongful"
54. "Weedy"
55. "Wrathful"
56. "Wheezing"
57. "Wrinkled"
58. "Weighty"
59. "Witless"
60. "Woozy"
61. "Whining"
62. "Wily"
63. "Wolfish"
64. "Weird"
Sad And Depressing Words That Start With W
We all have times when we feel sad and depressed, and one of the best things we can do to move on from these feelings is talk to someone.
That person could be your best friend, or a medical practitioner. Mental health nurses are widely available now at hospitals, and are there to help.
When you try to explain your feelings, it is helpful to have the right words. The following list of W words that express sadness and depression can help with that.
One of the main causes of sadness and depression is feeling wounded. This feeling can come from something that someone says or does that injures your feelings.
This can happen at work or in your personal life, and it can be super hard to just let that sort of thing run off your back.
Most of us respond by feeling rotten about ourselves, and wallowing in self-pity. Try to fight that.
When you’ve been wounded, don’t wallow.
There are other ways you can handle the situation. Speak to the person whose words or actions were hurtful. Let them know how you feel. It is possible that they have no idea you were hurt.
When you take action, you feel empowered, and instead of feeling crappy, you feel strengthened.
Sad & Depressing Words Starting With Letter W
65. "Watchful"
66. "Wariness"
67. "Wait"
68. "Want"
69. "Wail"
70. "Wallow"

71. "Weariness"
72. "Wake"
73. "Whither"
74. "Whimper"
75. "Weep"
76. "Wistful"
77. "Welter"
78. "Wilt"
79. "Whistle"
80. "Weighted"
81. "Wide-eyed"
82. "Whirlpool"
83. "Whirl"
84. "Wickedness"
85. "Weight"
86. "Wrought"
87. "Withheld"
88. "Wonder"
89. "Wrinkle"
90. "Withstand"
91. "Wrath"
92. "Worry"
93. "Waning"
94. "Woe"
95. "Weightlessness"
96. "Watcher"
97. "Waitlist"
98. "Weeping"
99. "Wanderer"
100. "Wry"
101. "Wear and tear"
102. "Weakening"
103. "Walkout"
104. "Weirdness"
105. "Weakness"
106. "Wistfulness"
107. "Widowed"
108. "Whirlwind"
109. "Windblown"
110. "Whistle-blower"
111. "Wilted"
112. "Whine"
113. "Withholding"
114. "Worrying"
115. "Woeful"
116. "Wishy-Washy"
117. "Wounding"
118. "Worst"
119. "Worsening"
120. "Weighed Down"
121. "Wailful"
122. "Winter Blues"
123. "Wishful"
124. "Woful"
Negative Adverbs That Begin With The Letter W
Adverbs are little gems that are part of speech which give us all kinds of fantastic information.
They typically end in “ly”, and they tell us stuff like who, what, when, where, and how. Without adverbs, we would be missing a lot of key information.
For those of you who like grammar, an adverb can do three things. It can give us information (the proper term for that is ‘modify’) about another adverb, about a verb (also called action words), and about an adjective.
Now that you’re an expert on adverbs, let’s look at negative adverbs that start with the letter W.
A terrific negative W adverb is the word wildly. This word can describe how something is done - in a wild manner.
When my husband cooks, for instance, he does so wildly, and the kitchen always looks like a bomb went off.
Another good negative W adverb to add to your wordbank is wistfully. The word, wistful, suggests longing and even regret.
When my daughter decided to go to another country to study, I wistfully looked through her high school yearbooks, wishing she was going to post-secondary school closer to home.
Adverbs Starting With Letter W
125. "Whencesoever"
126. "Whence"
127. "Whereas"
128. "Whacking"
129. "Whensoever"
130. "Whereat"
131. "Whereabouts"
132. "Whatsoever"
133. "Whennes"
134. "Whenceever"
135. "Whereby"
136. "Whenceforth"
137. "Whereabout"
138. "Whan"
139. "Whenever"
140. "Wheresoever"

141. "Whereupon"
142. "Whereform"
143. "Whereso"
144. "Wherso"
145. "Whereof"
146. "Wherever"
147. "Wherewithal"
148. "Whereout"
149. "Wherefore"
150. "Whereto"
151. "Wherewith"
152. "Whereinto"
153. "Whereunto"
154. "Whereon"
155. "Wherein"
156. "Wherethrough"
157. "Widewhere"
158. "Whilst"
159. "Winningly"
160. "Whiggishly"
161. "Widely"
162. "Windingly"
163. "Wightly"
164. "Whilere"
165. "Wickedly"
166. "Willingly"
167. "Wild"
168. "Whider"
169. "Winkingly"
170. "Will"
171. "Whimsically"
172. "Windward"
173. "Wildly"
174. "Withal"
175. "Withoutforth"
176. "Wishedly"
177. "Witily"
178. "Wistly"
179. "Woefully"
180. "Womanly"
181. "Wisely"
182. "Withinside"
183. "Wofully"
184. "Wisly"
185. "Worthily"
186. "Wonderfully"
187. "Woodenly"
188. "Wishly"
189. "Woundy"
190. "Withinforth"
191. "Woodly"
192. "Wonderingly"
193. "Within"
194. "Woundily"
195. "Wordily"
196. "Worldly"
197. "Wonders"
198. "Wonderly"
199. "Workmanly"
200. "Woolward"
201. "Worryingly"
202. "Wooingly"
Obscure Words That Begin With W
Obscure words are ones we don’t hear very often, and may be unsure about when it comes to their meaning.
Adding some obscure words to your wordbank is a great idea!
The word, wangle, definitely fits the category of obscure W words. Some people are very good at wangling, and before you know it, you have told the person that secret you didn’t want to share.
To wangle something out of someone is to get information by being clever and manipulative.
How about the word, wrizzled? This is not a word heard often, but it actually means the same thing as wrinkled.
So now if you want to say the peel of the apple looks old and wrinkled, you can use the word wrizzled instead!
I am guessing that a number of you have experienced a woofit before. Are you stumped by this word?
Woofit is another word for hangover. To have a woofit is not fun. It’s best to take a pain tablet and drink lots of water!
Obscure Words That Starts With Letter W
203. "Warday"
204. "Wallydrag"
205. "Well-A-Fine"
206. "Wastegood"
207. "Wag-Feather"
208. "Wet-Hand"
209. "Wheel-Horse"
210. "Wamble-Cropped"
211. "Writative"

212. "Wrongo"
213. "Watch-Birth"
214. "Wuther"
215. "Washamouth"
216. "Whangsby"
217. "Wrizzled"
218. "Wag-Pasty"
219. "Water-Standing"
220. "Warzlement"
221. "Wronghead"
222. "Weather-Breeder"
223. "Winebibber"
224. "Widdiful"
225. "Warp"
226. "Wristlet"
227. "Whemmle"
228. "Wheeriemigo"
229. "Wyliecoat"
230. "Widdershins"
231. "Wunderkammer"
232. "Withershins"
233. "Woofits"
234. "Wingle"
235. "Whiskerando"
236. "Windlestraw"
237. "Whelky"
238. "Wondermonger"
239. "Wheezle-Rung"
240. "Wawaskeesh"
241. "Witchknot"
242. "Wheff"
243. "Witticaster"
244. "Whip-Belly"
245. "Wheeple"
246. "Wostle"
247. "Windy-Wallets"
248. "Whiffle"
249. "Witness-Tree"
250. "Wan"
251. "Waft"
252. "Witty"
253. "Witticism"
254. "Wizened"
255. "Withered"
256. "Wont"
257. "Wither"
258. "Wizardry"
259. "Wondrous"
260. "Withhold"
261. "Wraith"
262. "Windfall"
263. "Wend"
264. "Winnow"
265. "Whiff"
266. "Wield"
267. "Withdrawal"
268. "Wit"
269. "Winsome"
270. "Wistfully"
271. "Withdraw"
272. "Wince"
273. "Writ"
274. "Wreak"
275. "Wrest"
276. "Wrangle"
277. "Writhe"
278. "Wring"
279. "Wrench"

280. "Whorl"
281. "Whet"
282. "Whit"
283. "Wharf'
284. "Widespread"
285. "Whelp"
286. "Willful"
287. "Whittle"
288. "Wheedle"
289. "Wholly"
290. "Whim"
291. "Whimsical"
292. "Waive"
293. "Warble"
294. "Wade"
295. "Wanderlust"
296. "Wangle"
297. "Waffle"
298. "Waif"
299. "Wane"
300. "Waiver"
301. "Waggish"
302. "Warren"
303. "Wax"
304. "Wardrobe"
305. "Waver"
306. "Wean"
307. "Warranty"
308. "Watershed"
309. "Welfare"
310. "Waylay"
311. "Warrant"
Unusual Words That Start With W
Exploring unusual words is so much fun! While words can be very powerful, they can also provide us with lots of fun.
Unusual words often lead us to learn more about different topics. It’s a great way to increase not only your vocabulary, but your overall knowledge as well.
So, what are you waiting for? Let’s start with the word, winterbourne. This word refers to a stream that appears when there has been particularly heavy rainfall, or when snow melts.
The word, bourne, is an old word for a brook or stream. Cool, right?
Another unusual W word is windrose. You might be a long time guessing the meaning of this because it’s tricky.
A windrose is used by a meteorologist to get information on the speed and direction of winds in a particular location.
The ‘rose’ part of the word comes from the shape of the graphic which looks something like a rose.
Unusual Words Starting With Letter W
312. "Whirret"
313. "Whipcord"
314. "Widgeon"
315. "Whippletree"
316. "Whinyard"
317. "Widget"
318. "Whipsaw"
319. "Wigan"
320. "Whipcat"
321. "Whipstall"
322. "Wieldless"
323. "Whippet"
324. "Willowish"
325. "Whiskerine"
326. "Whippy"
327. "Williwaw"
328. "Whipjack"
329. "Wilder"
330. "Whipstaff"
331. "Wimble"
332. "Wight"
333. "Whistler"
334. "Wilding
335. "Whitecoat"
336. "Wholestitch"
337. "Whitlow"
338. "Whiss"
339. "Whodunitry"
340. "Wicket"
341. "Whitherward"
342. "Whosoever"
343. "Whittawer"
344. "Whitleather"
345. "Wimple"
346. "Whithersoever"
347. "Whoreson"
348. "Whitster"
349. "Winglet"
350. "Windcheater"
351. "Winterim"

352. "Windlass"
353. "Windthrow"
354. "Wincey"
355. "Winterbourne"
356. "Windrose"
357. "Windgall"
358. "Winterkill"
359. "Windrow"
360. "Windbound"
361. "Winkler"
362. "Windle"
363. "Wisent"
364. "Wiredraw"
365. "Wirewove"
366. "Wippen"
367. "Wiseling"
368. "Wirble"
369. "Wist"
370. "Winze"
371. "Wiseacre"
372. "Withe"
373. "Wisket"
374. "Wis"
375. "Witherling"
376. "Witenagemot"
377. "Wivern"
378. "Witling"
379. "Witeless"
380. "Withy"
381. "Wive"
382. "Wittol"
383. "Withoutside"
384. "Witwanton"
385. "Womby"
386. "Wonderwork"
387. "Wontless"
388. "Woggle"
389. "Wone"
390. "Womanthrope"
391. "Wood"
392. "Woad"
393. "Woning"
394. "Woolfell"
395. "Wold"
396. "Woolbird"
397. "Woodwose"
398. "Woold"
399. "Woodreeve"
400. "Woolsey"
401. "Woodshedding"
402. "Woolage"
403. "Worcester"
404. "Woolsack"
405. "Woodmeal"
406. "Woolpack"
407. "Workshy"
408. "Wordish"
409. "Woopie"
410. "Workerist"
411. "Wordbreak"
412. "Woonerf"
413. "Wormwood"
414. "Wright"
415. "Wordbound"
416. "Wort"
417. "Writhled"
418. "Wormcast"
419. "Worsification"
420. "Wrongous"

421. "Wormil"
422. "Worldling"
423. "Worsement"
424. "Wrick"
425. "Wrack"
426. "Wormery"
427. "Woundless"
428. "Worksome"
429. "Worricow"
430. "Wrackful"
431. "Wretchock"
432. "Woubit"
433. "Wrawl"
434. "Wortle"
435. "Wreakless"
436. "Wranglership"
More Vocabulary Words That Start With The Letter W
The following list contains even more terrific W words. Take a look and see what words interest you.
“Wamble” is an interesting one. In the category of Obscure W Words, we looked at the word, woofit, meaning hangover.
The word wamble is a common feeling you have when you are experiencing a woofit as it is a feeling of nausea. The night before you might have been wambling down the street - moving unsteadily or with a rolling motion. Enough said.
Have you ever read a book or watched a film where someone puts a curse on somebody? The word, wanion, means a curse, bad luck or a plague.
Did you know that there are people who are professional rabbit keepers? These people, called warreners, farm or hunt rabbits, and have a warren of rabbits they look after.
Rabbits are cute, soft and fluffy, but they can also do a lot of damage to vegetable gardens and make a lot of holes in fields which can cause problems for farmers.
More Vocabulary Words Starting With Letter W
437. "Wamble"
438. "Wair"
439. "Wang"
440. "Waits"
441. "Wame"
442. "Wanhope"
443. "Wafture"
444. "Wainscot"
445. "Wamus"
446. "Wanigan"
447. "Waftage"
448. "Wanchancy"
449. "Wainage"
450. "Wanion"
451. "Waldgrave"
452. "Wadmal"
453. "Wankle"
454. "Wagtail"
455. "Wantage"
456. "Walty"
457. "Waldflute"
458. "Wagonette"
459. "Wanze"
460. "Walm"
461. "Wakerife"
462. "Wale"
463. "Wapenshaw"
464. "Walleteer"
465. "Wapentake"
466. "Waqf"
467. "Waldhorn"
468. "Warden"
469. "Wallflower"
470. "Wallfish"
471. "Warrener"
472. "Washboard"
473. "Warray"
474. "Wardcorn"
475. "Washball"
476. "Wapiti"
477. "Warison"
478. "Wassail"
479. "Watchglass"
480. "Wardroom"
481. "Wase"
482. "Warrantise"
483. "Watchet"
484. "Wardmote"
485. "Wastive"
486. "Washland"
487. "Waterish"
488. "Waster"
489. "Wasserman"
490. "Washeteria"

491. "Waterage"
492. "Wastelot"
493. "Washi"
494. "Waterman"
495. "Wastel"
496. "Watching"
497. "Washery"
498. "Waulk"
499. "Waxcloth"
500. "Wearish"
501. "Wasm"
502. "Waywiser"
503. "Waveson"
504. "Wear"
505. "Wattmeter"
506. "Wavemeter"
507. "Weatherometer"
508. "Wayment"
509. "Waterwork"
510. "Wayzgoose"
511. "Webcast"
512. "Waygone"
513. "Waulker"
514. "Wayboard"
515. "Weatherly"
516. "Weedicide"
517. "Weber"
518. "Weatherboard"
519. "Weed"
520. "Weasand"
521. "Wedeln"
522. "Weld"
523. "Webwheel"
524. "Wegotism"
525. "Weirdward"
526. "Webster"
527. "Weighage"
528. "Weftage"
529. "Whangam"
530. "Wen"
531. "Whatabouts"
532. "Westing"
533. "Welkin"
534. "Wertfrei"
535. "Wey"
536. "Wharfinger"
537. "Wellaway"
538. "Wether"
539. "Whang"
540. "Wergild"
541. "Welk"
542. "Wheep"
543. "Wheaten"
544. "Wheal"
545. "Wheelhouse"
546. "Whenas"
547. "Whereinsoever"
548. "Whelve"
549. "Whitewashings"
550. "Whereagainst"
551. "Winterberries"
552. "Wheelbarrowed"
553. "Whipstitching"
554. "Whigmaleeries"
555. "Wherry"
556. "Wack"
557. "Whippoorwills"
558. "Whey"
559. "Whimsicalness"
560. "Winsomenesses"
561. "Wyrd"

562. "Wholesomeness"
563. "Wyn"
564. "Wherret"
565. "Whiffet"
566. "Wynd"
567. "Whereuntil"
568. "Whicker"
569. "Whiffler"
570. "Wuthering"
571. "Whichsoever"
572. "Whift"
573. "Wurst"
574. "Whiggarchy"
575. "Wurzel"
576. "Winterization"
577. "Wye"
578. "Winterfeeding"
579. "Whifflery"
580. "Wrox"
581. "Whinger"
582. "Wurley"
583. "Wishfulnesses"
584. "Whin"
585. "Witenagemotes"
586. "Whinstone"
587. "Wuffler"
588. "Wimpishnesses"
589. "Withdrawnness"
590. "Willfulnesses"
591. "Whilom"
592. "Willingnesses"
593. "Witlessnesses"
594. "Wroth"
595. "Wistfulnesses"
596. "Wonderfulness"
597. "Wearabilities"
598. "Weatherperson"
599. "Welcomenesses"
600. "Wettabilities"
601. "Woebegoneness"
602. "Weatherproofs"
603. "Weltschmerzes"
604. "Weisenheimers"
605. "Wearisomeness"
606. "Welterweights"
607. "Wealthinesses"
608. "Weathercaster"
609. "Warmongerings"
610. "Weightinesses"
611. "Weatherboards"
612. "Waterproofers"
613. "Waterflooding"
614. "Waterlessness"
615. "Waterproofing"
616. "Washabilities"
617. "Watermanships"
618. "Waterfowlings"

Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Avoid Using Negative Words That Start With "W" In My Writing?
To avoid using negative words that start with "W," you can try using more positive or neutral alternatives. For example, instead of saying someone is "wicked," you can say they are "mischievous" or "playful." Choosing positive language can help convey your message in a more optimistic and constructive manner.
Are There Any Context-Specific Negative Words That Start With "W"?
Yes, there are context-specific negative words that start with "W." For example, in the realm of business, "write-off" and "weak performance" are commonly used negative terms. In relationships, "withdrawn" or "withholding" can have negative connotations. The specific context in which you're using the word will determine its negativity.
Can Negative Words That Start With "W" Be Subjective?
Yes, the negativity of words that start with "W" can be subjective to some extent. Different individuals may interpret the same word differently based on their experiences and perspectives. It's important to consider the context and the audience when using negative words, as their impact can vary.
Continue Reading 👉: 357 Negative Words That Begin With The Letter “V”